King's Business - 1960-11

BOOKENDS (cont.) AND WITH FIRE, MESSAGES ON REVIVAL by A . Skevington Wood. 176 pages; cloth; Pickering & Inglis, London; 12/6. Sixteen phases of revival are discussed with illustrations from the history of various revivals. The author is a Methodist minister who was closely connected with the Billy Graham campaign in Scotland. TEACH ME TO PRAY; A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF PRAYER by James DeForest Murch. 186 pages; cloth; Standard Publishing Founda­ tion, Cincinnati, Ohio; $2.50. An effective basic treatment of prayer in its various aspects. The author has drawn on a wide experience and read­ ing in filling in illustrative anecdotes and quo­ tations. THE TITHE AND THE REFORMATION OF JESUS CHRIST by Elizabeth Pearson Tilton. 52 pages; cloth; Greenwich Book Publishers, New York; $2.00. "When we approve of the ordinance of the tithe in the Christian church, we are unconsciously approving burnt offerings and sacrifices. The Gospel of Salvation by faith in the Lamb of God, slain for all of us, gives to the Christian church freedom from the ordin­ ances of the Temple and the observances be­ longing to it" (p. 15). THE ABC's OF SUCCESSFUL PROGRAMS by Gene French. 121 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub­ lishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.00. Ideas for 26 young people's programs compiled by the Assistant Director for the Greater Los Angeles Youth for Christ. Through the leadership of the author the YFC movement in the Los Angeles area has grown from 6 to 73 clubs. PRAYERS OF THE REFORMERS compiled by Clyde Manschreck. 183 pages; cloth; Muhlenberg Press, Philadelphia, Pa.; $2.50. Many of these prayers of Luther, Melanchthon, Calvin, Knox, Coverdale, and others have been translated es­ pecially for this little volume. It is rich in concentrated spiritual sentiment. There are near­ ly twenty subject sections. THREE DEADLY FOES AND HOW TO DEAL WITH THEM by Henry Durbanville. 56 pages; cloth; B. McCall Barbour, Edinburgh, Scotland; 5/-. The three foes are fear, loneliness, and wor­ ry. Writing out of an experience of suffering the same himself, the author gives a simple but spiritual and biblical formula for finding peace of mind. The testimony of others is included. SEEKING A CITY by John R. Rice. 150 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $3.00. One is a little startled to find the evan­ gelist writing fiction! The story of Abraham is the theme of this novel. The biblical story is followed— perhaps a bit too closely for good fiction, some might feel. The author has Abra­ ham understanding more about God's dealings with him and their future implications than one would have normally suspected. ROCKS AND ROSES by Florence Derby. 187 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $2.50. This is the fictional story of a family that faced an unusual amount of d iffi­ culties in the form of sickness and disappoint­ ments, and how a dream-vision proved prophetic of an emergent sunshine. THE PILOT SERIES IN LITERATURE, BOOK TWO by Gertrude Haan, Alice Fenenga, and Beth Merizon. xv, 560 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $5.50. Selec­ tions for the Christian day school published for The National Union of Christian Schools. Units cover "Understanding Others," "Land of the Free," "Nature and Animals," "Stories in Science," etc. (ten in all). Illustrated by Armand Merizon. MAMMON; OR, COVETOUSNESS THE SIN OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH by John Harris, xvi, 311 pages; cloth; Bible Truth Depot, Swen- gel, Pa.; $3.75. Reissue of a title published in 1836. Basically selfishness, as seen by the author, covetousness prevents the Christian from giving of himself and his means. The tragedy is that this sin of the world should also seize the church. FROM TEENS TO MARRIAGE by Reuben B. Behlmer. vii, 112 pages; cloth; Concordia Pub­ lishing House, St. Louis; $1.95. A straight for­ ward message to young people about the prob­ lems of love and sex. Counsel in conservative and within the framework of the evangelical Christian viewpoint. Recommended, books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 5 60 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.

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