King's Business - 1960-11

reader reaction (coni'.)

DISLIKES MAGAZINE I have been reluctantly receiving your magazine in the mail for the past few years. I have absolutely no interest in it whatsoever. I subscribe to the magazine of my own church and since I possess a Bible I have plenty of reading material at my disposal without yours. If you per­ sist in sending this unwelcome intruder into my home I shall collect the heaviest load of the things I can get and send it to you C.O.D. I’m frankly sick and tired of throwing your rag away every time the postman leaves it. Please keep it out of my way. I am not going to sign my name and address because you will prob­ ably send the rag to me if I do. E ditor ’ s N o te : Frequently our Christian readers are anxious to help spiritually needy people. They provide gift sub­ scriptions for their friends, and hence, letters such as the above are occasionally received. W e thank God, too, however, for the wonderful comments of those who find the Cord as Saviour through the kindness of a loved one at this season of the year. These letters are much more common, for which we are grateful. HINDU CONVERT WRITES I am a monthly reader of THE KING’S BUSINESS. I must say this magazine is of much blessing to my soul. It covers a great scope of practical Biblical and spirit­ ual upliftment to enable one to turn his faith loose upon God. I am a horn hindu, saved 11 years ago. Our country is sur­ rounded by communism in a population of less than half a million. I am a pastor of a mission work and would appreciate your prayers. P.S. Please put me in the “ pen-pal” column. Patrick L. Singh, 23 Dowding Street, Kitty E.C.D., British Guiana, South America. COMMENT ON EDITORIAL I wish to report an apparent error in your excellent article in the October number which has just arrived. On page 7—right at the end of your article, you say: “ Paul said, ‘With a great sum obtained I this freedom.’ ” If you are referring to Acts 22:28— may I call your attention to the fact that — Though Paul wrote these words they were uttered by the chief captain. And Paul’s answer was: “ But I was free born.” J. E. Pettersen, Pacific Palisades. E ditor ’ s N o te : W e regret very much an omission which occurred in our October editorial. It reads “ Paul said, ‘W ith a great sum obtained I this fr ee d om a n d of course it should have read, “ The Roman chief captain said to Paul, ‘ W ith a great sum obtained I this freedom ’ to which Paul replied, ‘But 1 was free born.’ ’’ The sense of the article was not affected by this error, but nevertheless w e are sorry. The incident is described in Acts 22:28 and has to do with Paul’s Roman citizenship. No doubt many readers noted the slip.

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