King's Business - 1960-11

A MESSAGE from the editor by: Samuel H. Sutherland re: Academic Freedom Today a great deal is

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heard about "academic free­ dom". Anything that limits or curtails academic free­ dom, so-called, is supposed to be a bad thing. Recently one of the "new evangelical" scholars wrote an article which appeared in an eastern religious magazine in which was stated, "We may write out a strong creed, put it into the charter of the col­ lege in such a way it can never be changed and vigor­ ously enforce it . . . but such a policy will inevit­ ably lead to academic medi­

ocrity."* But, this is not necessarily a dilemma at all. It is entirely possible for a thorough-going scholar also to have a strong creedal conviction. Furthermore, it is entirely possible for an institution of higher learning to have a strong creedal position and to attract to itself faculty members who likewise have the same convictions and who are also outstanding scholars in their own fields. A creed is simply a compilation of doctrines which have been arranged into an orderly system of truth as it is re­ vealed in the Word of God. Some academicians talk much about academic freedom, as though it will be necessary for one throughout his life constantly to be changing his views, ideas, notions, and even his convictions in order to be considered a first-rate scholar. But the Word of God has some very clear things to say about individuals of this type: "Ever learning and never able to come to the knowl­ edge of the truth" (II Timothy 3:7). A scholar is looking for truth. The scholar who has found truth in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ need not look further, for He is "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free . . . If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed" (John 8:32-36). A scholar then discovers that all other learning either points to or stems from the Person of Jesus Christ who is God, the Second Person of the Trinity. Thorough-going scholarship is to be commended and re­ spected. But there is a vast difference between such scholarship and the irresponsible excursions into one's mental aberrations which lead only to high-sounding ideas


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