Hemnet Group ENG

Corporate Governance Report

This Corporate Governance Report describes the structure and management principles of Hemnet’s operations and how Hemnet works to fulfil its vision of being the key to your property journey. The purpose of corporate governance is to ensure that the company is managed as efficiently as possible for the shareholders and that applicable laws and regulations are complied with. By clarifying the division of responsibilities between different coporate bodies, corporate governance also aims to enure that both the board and management work in an orderly and systematic way.

Annual General Meeting 2022 Hemnet’s Annual General Meeting will be held on 29 April 2022 in Stockholm. NOMINATION COMMITTEE In accordance with the Nomination Committee Instructions adopted for the first time at Hemnet’s 2021 Annual General Meeting, the members of the Nomination Committee shall consist of the four largest shareholders of Hemnet in terms of votes as of 31 August who wish to appoint a member. In addition, the Chairman of the Board shall be a member of the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee shall perform the duties required of the Nomination Committee by the Code and the Nomination Committee Instructions. The composition of the Nomination Committee meets the requirements of the Code. The Nomination Committee is

BASIS FOR HEMNET’S CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Hemnet Group AB (publ) is a Swedish limited company based in Stockholm. The main decision-making bodies are the annual general meeting (AGM), the Board of Directors and the CEO. The AGM appoints the Board, which in turn appoints the CEO, whomanages ongoing administration in accordance with the CEO Instructions adopted by the Board. Hemnet’s corporate governance principles are designed to comply with applicable Swedish law, Nasdaq Stockholm’s rules for issuers, the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (the ”Code”), the Articles of Association and generally accepted stock market practices. Hemnet Group AB (publ) has since its listing on Nasdaq Stockholm on 27 April 2021 applied the Code and has since then not deviated from either the Code, generally accepted good practice on the stock market or applicable rules. The Corporate

Governance Report has been audited by Hemnet’s auditor, as set out on page 69.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The AGM is the highest decision-making body of Hemnet. At the AGM, all shareholders are given the opportunity to exercise the influence represented by their respective shareholdings. The Swedish Companies Act (2005:551) and the Articles of Association set out the procedures for convening General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings and who is entitled to attend and vote at the meeting. In addition to the Annual General Meeting, two Extraordinary General Meetings were held during the year, at which, among other things, issues relating to the consolidation of shares and the re-registration of shares were decided, and new Articles of Association were adopted, as part of Hemnet’s listing on Nasdaq Stockholm.

Organisation chart

Nomination Committee


Annual General Meeting


Audit Committee

Board of Directors

Remuneration Committee




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