Hemnet Group ENG

Distribution of earnings

Total available funds for distribution: Retained earnings

To be allocated as follows: Dividend to shareholders, SEK 0.55 per share

739,298,033 180,199,458 919,497,491

55,622,313 863,875,178 919,497,491

Net profit for the year

Funds to be carried forward

Total SEK

Total SEK

The consolidated accounts and annual accounts have been prepared in accordance with the international accounting standards in Regulation (EC) No. 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 19, 2002 on the application of international accounting standards and generally accepted accounting standards in Sweden and give a true and fair view of the Group’s and Parent Company’s financial position and results of operations. The Administration Report for the Group and the Parent Company gives a true and fair view of the operations, position and results, and describes significant risks and uncertainty factors that the Parent Company and Group companies face. The annual accounts and the consolidated financial statements were approved for release by the Board of Directors and the President on 15 March, 2022. The consolidated Income Statement and Balance Sheet, and the

Income Statement and Balance Sheet of the Parent Company, will be presented for adoption by the Annual General Meeting on 29 April, 2022.

The proposed dividend amounts to SEK 55.6m. The Group’s equity attributable to the shareholders of the Parent Company was SEK 1,516.9m as of December 31, 2021, and unrestricted equity in the Parent Company was SEK 919.5m. With reference to the above, and to other information that has come to the knowledge of the board, it is the opinion of the board that the proposed dividend is defendable with reference to the demands that the nature, scope and risks of Hemnet’s operations place on the size of the company’s and the Group’s equity, and the company’s and the Group’s consolidation needs, liquidity and position in general.

The Annual and Sustainability Report and the consolidated financial statements have been approved for publication by the Board of Directors on March 15, 2022. The Annual Report also contains the Group’s and the Parent Company’s sustainability reporting in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act, Chapter 5, 11§, see page 17.

Stockholm, 16 March, 2022

Håkan Erixon Chairman

Cecilia Beck-Friis CEO

Anders Edmark Board Member

Kerstin Lindberg Göransson Board Member

Christopher Caulkin Board Member

Håkan Hellström Board Member

Nick McKittrick Board Member

Pierre Siri Board Member

Tracey Fellows Board Member

Our auditor's report has been submitted on the day stated in our electronic signature Ernst & Young AB

Anna Svanberg Authorised Public Accountant



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