Scheurer Magazine // 2024

CRNA: Your


Born and raised in “south Detroit” or better known as “down river,” Hollie Thacker, CRNA graduated from Wayne State University with a Master of Science in Nurse Anesthesia. She was first introduced to Scheurer Health through her school clinical rotations and had the immediate desire to never leave. “Scheurer was one of our rural sites and I just really fell in love with the area, the organization and the culture here, which is amazing. At big hospitals, providers and patients can get lost in the shue and I really get to just hone-in on one patient at a time. Here, I have the chance to take that extra time with them and it's a little bit more of an intimate experience. There is no way I could go back to a big facility. So, when a job opening was available, I nabbed it up right away.” As a CRNA, Hollie works with the entire surgical team to ensure that every procedure goes to plan and has the best outcome possible. “My main goal as a CRNA is to make the patient feel comfortable and feel safe,” noted Hollie. “Safety is our top priority for every surgery. We want you to come through it okay, that the goals of surgery are met and overall, just have a really good experience. We want everyone to come back for any other healthcare that they might need.”

None of that would be possible without the lively and caring team that we are so lucky to have at Scheurer. “It's an amazing team,” notes Hollie. “Everyone is very tight knit. You're working with the same group of people day-in and day-out. So, you get a really nice groove going and I really wouldn’t be able to do as good of a job that I do without my team and the support from them. It's amazing having the group that I do.” Delivering outstanding outcomes on a consis- tent basis is not easy to do. As with any job or role, it doesn’t come without moments of stress or intensity. “The most dicult part of my job goes hand in hand with what’s most rewarding. I'm responsible for doing a chart review, being familiar with the patients before they come in. I need to make sure the room is set up with all of the right equipment, medications, everything that I might need. I’m in the room to take care of the patient. So, it can be a little daunting early in your career, but you get into a good flow. Plus, with the team that I have, it is more than doable.” Hollie’s role as a CRNA begins with the rest of the staff in the pre-dawn hours of the morning. “We get surgeries going anywhere from seven in the morning to about 8:30. We go until the afternoon when we're able to do add-ons for any patients that come through the emergency room that need something; we fit them into the schedule as quickly as we can.” With more surgeons joining Scheurer Health, our surgical team has never been busier. We are now proud to offer three General Surgeons with Amanda McSweeney, MD, Sujal Patel, MD, as well as David Hobbs, MD, who joined Scheurer in late 2023. Edward Blanzy, DO is our new Urologist and Mina Salib, MD handles Pain Management procedures. This is all on top of our existing procedures and doctors, such as Gynecology with Christina Andreozzi, MD and Veronika Kinaschuk, MD, Ophthalmology with Miranda Renfrow, MD, Orthopedic procedures completed by Craig McManaman, DO or Branislav Behan, MD, Otolaryngology with Brian Perry, MD and Podiatry with Natalya Salowich, DPM.

Hollie Thacker, CRNA begins the process of intubating a patient, keeping the airway open and allowing for a smooth surgical procedure.


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