Scheurer Magazine // 2024

Building On Our Community’s 75+ Years of Support A Solid Foundation

Since our organization’s founding in 1945, the community has had our back with any endeavour that we have taken on. When Dr. Clare A. Scheurer founded the hospital, the local community donated $20,000, nearly $400,000 in today’s dollars. Fast forward to 1969. On the same day that Apollo 11 launched from Cape Canaveral, FL to land humanity on the moon, our Board of Trustees voted unanimously to build a new hospital in Pigeon, MI. That decision would require over a million dollars to be raised, but in just 90 days, over $1,100,000 was pledged from the local community, equivalent of roughly $9,000,000 today. Those two community efforts are huge elements of our foundation as a healthcare organization. It has allowed us to expand into more communities with advanced services and top-notch care. Since then, our main fundraising vehicle for Scheurer Health has been our Auxiliary, who is fast approaching $1,000,000 in total donations since 1945. Over the years, they have raised money from their golf outings, style shows and anything in between toward purchasing new surgical equipment and anything that the hospital is in need of, for the optimal patient experience.

In October of 2023, when the leaves were starting to change color and the days were ever-too-quickly becoming shorter, a bright future was coming over the horizon at Scheurer Health. It was decided to reinvest in our foundation’s efforts to help make more services and technology available at a local level. Aimee Minard, our newly minted Foundation Director was brought onto the team and immediately started assembling two of the Foundation’s first initiatives: the Corporate Partnership Program and our Annual Giving Campaign. Both have been launched with great success, ensuring a bright future for Scheurer Health in the decades to come. Dr. Ross Ramsey, our President & CEO entusiastically added, “I am extremely grateful for the support the community and employees have provided with this year's Annual Giving Campaign. Selfless-giving was the basis on which Scheurer was built and the continued generosity promises access to high quality care locally going forward.” The next pages are a listing of our donors that have made the Foundation’s success possible through the 2023 calender year. Please join us in thanking them for their continued support!


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