Scheurer Magazine // 2024

“Sunset over Pines” by Drew Deming


One of Drew's significant projects was creating a children's book with his wife, Christina called Scurry and Scoot. Their collaborative process was filled with laughter and creativity, resulting in a whimsical and joyful story. “The entire experience of creating our children’s book, Scurry and Scoot was enjoyable. The best part was coming up with goofy stories with Christina. We would bounce ideas off of each other and just try to make each other laugh.” When asked how Drew handles creative blocks during the painting process, he explained, “Both my wife, Christina, and my mom, Pam, have good artistic eyes. When I’m having a hard time seeing what’s wrong with a painting or drawing, they are good critics. They’re honest and don’t shy away from telling me if something isn’t working or if I’m headed in the right direction. Their honesty is always kind and always appreciated.” These three artists have brought beauty and inspiration to our newly minted Art Wall, creating a space of joy and reflection for all who pass by. Their unique styles and perspectives remind us of the beauty that surrounds us and the joy that art can bring to our lives. Whether it's the vibrant colors of Kris Leipprandt, the fantastical landscapes of Nancy Knapp or the simple, joyful scenes of Drew Deming, each painting invites viewers to pause, reflect and find joy in the beauty of the world around them. To view more of our artists’ work: Kris Leipprandt // Facebook & Instagram: @krislart_ // 989.280.4753 Nancy Knapp // Lemon Tree (Caseville) PAK’s Garage (Port Austin) Drew Deming // Facebook: @DrewDemingWatercolors Instagram: @deming.paint

Nancy Knapp’s home studio with her pastels, which resemble high-powered pieces of chalk


Kris Leipprandt’s impressionism piece of Turnip Rock in Port Austin

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