Scheurer Magazine // 2024

Selma Thiel A Life Filled With Love & Laughter

Her primary care provider, Brenda Kretzschmer, NP suggested the move, and her children supported the decision. Moving in February 2023, she found peace in her new home with Scheurer Senior Living. “I slept like a log my first night here. It felt like such a relief knowing there were people around and I wasn’t alone.” Mary Buda, the fifth child of Selma and Bob, shared stories of her family that always seemed to be on-the-go, "Dad and Mom were always busy. During planting or harvest season, Mom would either be topping beets or bringing meals to the field. When they could, everyone on the farm would come in to eat, so we would always have a big group for meals, including the hired men." Today, Selma’s days at Country Bay Village are still filled with big meals, except now with her neighbors, along with all of the activities and the joy of family visits. “I do bingo and sometimes crafts, although I don’t go to exercise; it’s too early in the morning for me,” she laughs. “I am not a morning person anymore. Before I was used to getting up at five in the morning, every morning.” With her children and grandchildren living nearby, her family remains a constant source of happiness and support. “Every Sunday after church, the entire family comes over to the apartment

and we get to spend quality time together.” Reflecting on her life, Selma acknowledges the challenges but also the immense joy and fulfillment it brought. “Farming was tough, but it shaped who I am today,” she says. Her inde- pendence and resourcefulness, created through decades of hard work, remain evident. “You just learn to do stuff yourself. The guys were always busy in the field and if the garden hose was leaking, I could cut it off and put a new end on it.” When asked how Mary feels about her mother living in Country Bay Village, she states, “She loves it there. As a family, it's a relief. She has a social life again. Before, she was often alone and didn't go out much. Now, she interacts with others and participates in activities almost constantly. She sleeps better, feels better and seems more like herself again.”

The social aspect of Country Bay has been a significant benefit according to her family. "She loves knowing what's going on and enjoys the updates from the resident council (a regularly scheduled meeting where updates are given for Scheurer Health, as well as conversations with residents for possible enhance- ments),” Mary added. “It's made her feel special and in the loop. She’s more engaged and social than she was before." Selma’s daughter notes, "Mom's old self is back. She’s happier, healthier and more vibrant. Country Bay Village has been a blessing for her and for us as a family. We’re so thankful to have such a wonderful place for her to live. It's a place where she feels at home and connected." Both communities of Scheurer Senior Living offer a welcoming environment with a supportive staff. Mary remarks, “If you’re

Selma walks us through her family tree with remarkable accuracy. Every Sunday, the family piles into her apartment to share and grow their already-strong family bond.


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