•Tesus Christ? The spiritual necessi ties are yours to live triumphantly in the Lord Jesus Christ. Your mind and affection are to be stayed upon Him. This is the kind of a triumph ant life that God, by His grace, wants us to experience. Our life is to be lived but not to be lived on a low plane. We are to live our lives in the light of the Saviour’s ascen sion whereby we can now walk in newness of life. Some people practice what they preach. Others simply practice preach ing. It’s foolish to invite trouble into your life, because it will always accept. Flattery is a commodity that makes everybody sick except those who swallow it. No crowd ever went in one direction very long.
It was Peter’s testimony “Unto you which believe He is precious” (I Pet. 2:7). Jesus rightly commented, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Many years ago there went to Africa, a land in which I have la bored for 25 years, a man whose name was David Livingstone. He gave all of his life for the cause of Christ. One day, almost at the head waters of the Congo River, his two boys who had served him for many years came into his tent. They found him dead in a kneeling posture be fore his cot. What a way to go home! The natives were not sure what to do with his body. Their first thought was to bury him at the headwaters of the Congo River. This seemed natural since he had given most of his life to the people. When word went back to London, however, the people of England protested, “Not so; he is bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh.” These faithful servants carried that body for nearly a solid year before they came to the coast and saw it loaded on a steamer bound for the British Isles. Today, visitors to Westminster Abbey can see the revered vault where his re mains were entombed. The inscrip tion reads. “Other sheep have I, them also I must bring.” But before his body was taken on this long jour ney, those two faithful workers had removed his heart. This they put in a small earthen vessel which was buried at the headwaters of the Congo River. It seems so appropri ate. This should give us a picture of the way Christians ought to live. It’s true that we’re in the world, moving in various realms, but our affections and our minds must be with Him every waking moment of each day. Paul exhorts us, “Since ye have been risen with Christ, seek those things which are above” (Col. 3:1-4). Is your life lived on a higher plane? Do you recognize the sacred position that’s been given you in the Lord 10
Talbot Theological Seminary presented a Doctor of Divinity degree to Rev. Raymond Ortland, pastor of the Lake Avenue Congregational Church, Pasa dena, Calif. Making the Presentation, on the right, is Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, President of Biola Schools and Colleges.
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