life-saving missions. Instead, the group agreed that they’d hire some men to do the work for them. Oh, the life-saving motif still prevailed in the club’s ornate decorations and furnishings. As a mat ter of fact, a replica of a life-boat was in the room where the club had its ini tiations. About this time a large ship was wrecked off the coast. Those who were hired to help finally agreed to see what they could do. Boat-loads of cold, wet, and helf-drowned people were brought in. Some of them had black skin, some had yellow, some were cov ered with oil. You can imagine what a mess this was. Why, the beautiful new club was in chaos. In desperation, the property committee met to have a cold shower head set up outside. Here vic tims of shipwrecks could be cleaned up before they got inside. We’re sorry to report at this point that at the next meeting there was a split in the club membership. Most of them wanted to stop the life-saving activities feeling that it was very costly and unpleasant. Generally,and you can understand, they felt it was a hindrance to the normal social life of the club. Several of the old faithful pointed out fruitlessly that life-saving was their primary purpose. But their “old-fashioned” views were shouted down as well as voted down. They decided to move down the coast, and start all over again trying to save those who might be lost in the treacher ous waters. Sadly enough, as the years went by, the new station experienced the same changes that occurred in the old. It, too, evolved into a club. And yet another life-saving station was found ed. History continues to repeat itself. I f one should visit the sea coast today, he would find a number of exclusive clubs dotting the seashore. What a marked parallel as far as the expansion of the church is concerned! Our pri mary business is in the saving of men and women whose souls are perishing without Jesus Christ. Let us redeem the time, knowing that the days are evil! ABOVE THE CIRCUMSTANCES Quite frequently we receive lofty messages from the very lowest of God’s creations. One day a mule missed its step and fell into a dry well. No matter what the farmer and his friends
book of Proverbs about the two types of givers. “There is that withholdeth more than is meet and it tendeth to poverty. There is that scattereth and yet in- creaseth.” Which is true of you? We need to trust the Lord more and more. God will bless the faithfulness of His children who are willing to give forth His eternal Word. PROPER USE Sometimes people have a way of get ting things all twisted. The end result is not only interesting but also can be even more realistic than the original intention. We’re all familiar with the beautiful old hymn, “Blessed Assur ance.” The young daughter of a faith fu l New Jersey pastor loved it too, so much so, in fact, that she would go around the house singing the melody, “This is my story, this is my song, Saving my Praiser all the day long.” She had that a little twisted, “Saving my Praiser.” Yet that may typify the lives of some Christians. Instead of praising the Saviour it seems easier for them to save the Praiser, not let ting others know of their personal re lationship with Jesus Christ. May this young girl’s melody challenge us . . • not saving the Praiser, but PRAISING the Saviour all the day long. FORGETTING THE PURPOSE On a dangerous sea coast, where shipwrecks often occurred, was a crude little life-saving station. It consisted just of a shack, one weather-beaten dingy and several devoted members who kept a constant watch over the sea. They had no thought for them selves but tirelessly searched for the lost. Because so many lives were saved by this wonderful band of faithful men, it became famous. As the popularity spread and news got out, a number of other people volunteered to help. Con tributions even came in. New boats were bought and replacement crews trained. What was formerly a beach hut was replaced by an architecturally beautiful structure. The old emergency cots were discarded in favor of better f u r n i t u r e and electrically - operated beds. The whole program soon became a popular gathering place. Of course, by now, there were but a few members who were interested in going to sea for
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