often meets the deformed, the crip pled, the invalid, the blind, the deaf, and those with other imperfections. “But these are defects that do not belong to the body as such. The body has been terribly maimed by sin and by disease, which is the result of sin. God did not fashion the body in that way. The human body was perfect when it came from the hand of God. There was not a single defect in all the complex mechanism of the human body when God created it. All these imperfections and defects and weak nesses and the like are the result of the catastrophe which overtook man in the fall. It is a part of the wages of sin. “But God was not pleased to leave man in his fallen state. He provided salvation for him. And by the blood of the crucified Redeemer, man was rescued from that terrible state and brought back into the family of God. Did He redeem only a portion of man? No; His redemption reaches to man’s last and least interest. Is it conceivable that God, who endowed man with such a marvelous body, would allow it to be wrecked for ever? It is not possible that He would. We can be sure that when the body is raised all these defects and imperfections will be entirely and forever removed. It will again be a perfect body. Perfection excludes all that is weak, and sick, and immature. Imperfection does not harmonize with the new Heaven and the new earth. It will be the same body, wearing again the nobility of the image and likeness of God.” It is likewise evident from the Scripture that while the two bodies are identical in essence they are dif ferent in qualities. Someone has il lustrated this change in qualities in this way. Water, snow, ice, and vapor are in essence the same. Within the range of a few degrees of tempera ture, the one changes into the other, and even though it seems to have become something else, it remains
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