Biola Broadcaster - 1969-09

by Dr. Roy Brill


hearts in this area! Unfortunately, there is a laxness of discipline, pur­ ity and holiness in the church, in the body of Christ. What greater, moti­ vation for a life of triumph? Yet these things we’ve touched on are negative in a sense. On the other side of the ledger, we should want to live victoriously because of the immeasurable blessing which will re­ sult. Christ wants us to have life, yet He wants us to have it abundant­ ly. What transformation has come to lives of those who, in child-like ac­ ceptance, have claimed the victory established 2,000 years ago at the cross by our blessed Saviour! It was said of Hudson Taylor before experi­ encing such victory. “He had been a toiling, burdened Christian with not much rest of soul. One day by faith he reached out and appropriat­ ed the triumphant life that was his in Christ. He was never the same thereafter. His sister wrote, ‘In the place of bondage there was liberty; instead of fear and weakness, a rest­ ful sense of sufficiency.’ ” Keep in mind that this triumph was made possible for us at the cross just as salvation was obtained. The Perfector was the Lord Jesus Christ by virtue of His finished atonement. There He dealt with the penalty of sin as it effected me in my regener­ ate state. How wonderful that we can sing now, “My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought, my sin, not in part, but the whole, is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more, praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Oh my soul!” Christ dealt definitively with the power of sin. Now we can be vic­ torious over sin, Satan, and the world. Listen to His promise in John 8:36, “If the Son shall make you

W ith so many people leading de- defeated lives today, it is a wonderful thing for the Christian to realize the glorious victory he has in our Lord Jesus Christ (II Cor. 2:14). When Scripture speaks of tri­ umph in Christ, it’s not referring to a second blessing or eradication of sin. It is not even suppression or ref­ ormation. When Christ died on Cal­ vary’s Cross, He intended for us to enjoy peace, satisfaction, communion and fruitfulness in our daily lives. This experience can be the part of every child of God. As Christians, we need to live a life of triumph because of the inher­ ent weakness of the flesh. No one will argue that there is a tendency to sin on our part. Never in this life are we absolutely free from the presence of evil. Apart from Christ’s indwell­ ing life even a most advanced believ­ er would at once relax into a state of spiritual decay. Then there is an in­ cessant warfare with our old nature such as it is taught in Gal. 5:17 and Eph. 6:10-18. Let us not be fooled. There is a real battle to be waged each day. To expect that life is going to be easier upon accepting Christ is not an accurate picture. There are now conflicts greater than the man of the world ever experiences. Only at the day when we see the Lord Jesus Christ face to face will we be free from internal strife. In addition, there is the intrusion of worldliness which we face. One of the signs of the times in which we’re living is the loosening of moral standards to the point of nearly re­ pudiating righteousness altogether. Men so quickly set their affections “upon material possessions.” May Gal. 6:14 be a real challenge to our 4

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