free, ye shall be free indeed.” That means free from temper and pride, greed and anger, envy and criticism. The important thing to remem ber, if we are to be victorious, is that it must come from a source outside ourselves (Rom. 7:25). It is not a question of how, but of who, we will seek for this victory. Just as salva tion is in Christ, so in Him alone can we triumph in our day-by-day experience. It is not a system of rules, but by His very person (I Cor. 15:57). Shall we accept salva tion as a gift, while stumbling and hesitating when he offers us victory in the same manner? It is a life to receive by faith. It is to be applied daily in our own hearts through the faithful use of the Word of God. Ask your own heart, “Am I a trium phant Christian?” If not, you can be, as you accept the Lord’s gracious provisions for your needs (I John 4:4).
MY RIGHTS "I have a perfect right,” you say, “To do the things I do, To be with whom I wish to be: And who shall then dictate to me? Or say where I shall go?” But you forget . . . you’re not your own; For you a price was paid . . . A price One only could afford . . . And then a charge to serve your Lord Was surely on you laid. And if the thing you wish to do Will cause another pain; Have you the "right” to add to grief? Should you not, rather, give relief? Think it over again. Once more: Will you insist on "rights” And weak ones hindered be? Oh, Lord! Do Thou our actions guard That we may never make it hard For souls to follow Thee. GOD’S SMILE How oft have you sought for some reward For a task you said was “for the Lord.” How oft have you felt a stinging slight And thought that you were not treated right? How oft have you said, “I quit . . . I'm through Nobody says, ‘thanks’ for things I do.” How oft have you felt the precious thrill That comes from just being in His will? How oft did you count earth’s glory dim Compared to the joy of serving Him? What is it your heart is longing for? Does praise of men .. . or His smile mean more?
When God is going to do something wonderful, He begins with a difficulty. If it is going to be something very wonderful, He begins with an impossi bility.
Rev. Wilbur Nelson, radio voice of "The Morning Chapel Hour" and pastor of the Metropolitan Bible Church in Paramount, California, received a Doctor of Divinity degree from Talbot Theological Semi nary at the June commencement exercises. Presenting the diploma is Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, president of Biola. On the left is Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, dean of Talbot Theological Seminary.
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