
Safety training

GWO Advanced Rescue Training Standard / V4 2023-05-02

Injured Person

The affected person requiring first aid treatment and rescue/evacuation


For clarity where the word ‘must’ is used in this standard it shall have the same meaning as ‘shall’. Rescue device in standard mode setup, i.e. the rescue device rigged in the WTG Assembly of components intended to protect the user against falls from height, including a body holding device and an attachment system, which can be connected to a reliable anchorage point Detachable power driven unit for operating the ascending function of the rescue device

Passive Setup

(Rescue device in stationary mode setup)

Personal fall protection system

Power driver for rescue device


Personal Protective Equipment, includes personal fall protection equipment

Rescue head support

A device or technique which will support the head of an injured person during a rescue operation (a cervical collar falls into this description) Personal fall protection system by which a person can rescue themselves or others, in such a way that a free fall is prevented Personal fall protection system which prevents the user from reaching zones where the risk of a fall from height exists Verbal form used to indicate requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to this training standard and from which no deviation is permitted. Verbal form used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required.

Rescue system

Restraint system



Single rescuer advanced rescue operationWhen an advanced rescue operation is performed by one rescue personnel only. Relevant for personnel working in two-person teams, where advanced rescue preparedness is required

Aerial ropeway for injured person transportation. Setup horizontally with a rescue device rope rigged between two structural and/or certified anchor points.

Tensioned line


Transition piece

A tool that is used to transport the injured person and is not to be used for immobilisation. Examples of a transfer board are a spine board, extraction board, spec pack, half board, half stretcher etc.

Transfer board

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