
Safety training

GWO Advanced Rescue Training Standard / V4 2023-05-02

Stress the generic approach to teaching the use of rescue equipment in this lesson focusing on similarities and differences in design, functionality, and operation between different products Explain the potential task placed upon the participants (on course completion) requiring them to familiarise themselves with other rescue equipment products in their own organisations

Provide constructive feedback on the participants’ performance during the practice

The participants shall:

Practise how to use methods other than a cervical collar to support the head and maintain the airway of an injured person during extraction Practise how to (unaided) correctly prepare, fit, and check a cervical collar and fit helmet and safety glasses on both an injured person sitting and on an injured person lying down Practise how to (unaided) correctly, and continuously practise the primary survey on an injured person who is wearing a cervical collar


50 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to fit a harness onto the injured person and package them onto a rescue stretcher or a transfer board, to enable safe transportation of the injured person.

After having successfully completed this lesson, the participants can:

34) Take initiative for fitting helmet and safety glasses correctly on an unconscious injured person wearing a rescue head support device (Ability, intermediate level)

35) Act independently to fit a harness onto an unconscious injured person (Ability, intermediate level)

36) Act independently to package an unconscious injured person on a rescue stretcher and on a transfer board (Ability, intermediate level) 37) Take responsibility for creating an attachment point on a transfer board by attaching / choking an anchor sling through the handles of the foot and top of a transfer board with a connector attached (Ability, intermediate level)


Where possible the participants shall work in teams of two: one exercise per participant.


It is recommended that a live ‘injured person’ is used for this exercise.


If possible, medical advice according to site emergency response plan should be sought before securing an IP to a transfer board.

Global Wind Organisation©2023 / www.globalwindsafety.org

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