King's Business - 1944-02


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

L itera tu re Table Boot and Saddle in Africa By Thomas A . Lambie, M. D.

WH IN MARINIS SING [ Continued from Page 51]

Whqn the service was over and the men had returned to their tents, a Christian drill instructor passing one of the tents overheard a lad telling his buddies my message of the morn­ ing. He reproduced the thought of my sermon to all those other boys who had stayed away from the service. The Spirit of God does not cease His work when the benediction is pro­ nounced at the close of a sermon. Who knows how many have been won to Christ by the faithful witness of others in the put:of-the-way places? The Keeping Power of Christ One evening in the officers' mess, a Marine gunner had his four-year-old son as a guest. The boy sat opposite me. He was attracted by the insignia on my blouse and finally asked what |t was. I told him it was an anchor with a cross on it, the cross denoting I was a Chaplain. The boy asked, “W ill the cross keep you up in the water?” We all smiled, but .I thought how truly this boy had preached a sermon —and all the officers at that table heard it. I know of nothing that w ill' keep a man up, in the service or out, except Christ and the power of His cross. Christ v i l i keep a /nan up through every storm and tria l'o f life. We are privileged to proclaim that message here without hindrance. The motto of the Marine Corps is Semper Fidelis, “Always Faithful” This is a good motto for Christians everywhere. Thank God, many Chris­ tian Marines are being faithful to Christ right now during these days of trial and stress. Every morning at our base the band plays the National Anthem at Colors. On Saturday mornings, the band plays the hymn, “Onward Christian Sol­ diers.” What a thrill it is to see Old Glory flying high over a base where men are trained to fight, while thè band leads with that grand old hymn! But it is even more thrilling to know that all through this base and in Ma­ rine units everywhere are men who are nut afraid to die, for they know Him whom to know aright is life eternal. Wherever they may be, wheth­ er in fox holes, on life rafts, aboard ships, or at shore stations, there are Marines who know from experience: “He holds my hand, Jesus holds my hand; Safely to heaven He leads the way, He is my keeper from day to day; He holds my hand, But my Saviour is strong; And He holds my hand.” Is Jesus Christ holding your hand, too? Jesus holds my hand; The road may be long,

dared the trustworthiness of the ar­ guments for the inspiration of the Bible and the deity and resurrection of Christ. With legal precision, Mr. Linton presents proof that is unan­ swerable. It is a powerful book, great­ ly needed. 300 pages. W. A. Wilde Co., Boston, Mass. Cloth. Price $2.00.

As Robert C. McQuilkin explains in the Introduction, this book “ takes us on journeys which give the flavor of the country, the state of the people, the methods of pioneering, and the progress of the history in a refreshing way.” The “ journeys” are taken on horseback. It is evident that the doctor loves horses, but his greatest affec­ tion and concern is for lost souls for whom Christ died. Some of the thirteen chapter titles are: “ A Ride to See the King of Abyssinia,” “ A Ninety-Mile Ride,” and “A Ride Across the Kasei Desert.” 158 pages. Fleming H. Revell Co., New York. Cloth. Price $2.00. A Lawyer Examines the Bible By Irwin H . Linton The author is an able lawyer, a Member of the Bar of the District of Columbia and of the Supreme Court of the United States. His book is a powerful treatise “to fortify faith and destroy the unbeliever’s agnosticism.” It makes clear the reason for the fact that the greatest lawyers have de-

First Peter in the Greek New Testament By Kenneth S. Wuest

In the author’s Introduction to this helpful volume he says: “The book is a simplified Greek commentary mak­ ing available to the Bible student who is not acquainted with Greek, and who has had no formal training in Bible study, a wealth of informative and explanatory material that will throw a flood of light upon his Eng­ lish Bible. . . . The book is not written for the scholar, and lays no claim to being a finished piece of work on the G?eek text pf First Peter. It is designed for those who love the Lord and His Word and delight in feasting upon I t ” The author has succeeded admirably in carrying out his purpose. Not all w ill see eye to eye with him in his interpretation of the vejy difficult pas­ sage found \in 1 Peter 3:18-20. But there is certainly a “wealth of ma­ terial” that throws “ a flood of light upon the English Bible,” and believers will find much upon which they can truly feast. This was the experience of the reviewer who found himself re­ peatedly saying, “This is rich!” We heartily recommend this volume. 134 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00. The title of this small volume em­ bodies a question that is very much in the minds of the thinking people of our day. In his own characteristic way, Dr. Gaebelein gives God’s answer to this matter, quoting from and ex­ plaining God’s revelation which He gave centuries ago, with particular emphasis on portions of Daniel and the Revelation. Here is divine light for a dark world, as well as much help for the Christian in understanding God’s alignment of nations in contrast to man’s alignments. 72 pages. Our Hope Publications, New York, New York. Paper. Price 50 certs. What Will Become of Europe? By Arno C. Gaebelein


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