
Safety training

Control of Hazardous Energies Standard / V3 2023-12-04

Facilitate a learning activity such as asking the participants questions about the examples e.g.:

a. what you can, and cannot, do and why: as a CoHE Ordinary Person in this situation?

b. how does this compare to what a CoHE Qualified Person can do in the situation?

c. what are the reasons for these different role boundaries?

Present six relevant examples of different situations or scenarios with hazardous energies in a WTG environment

Facilitate practice for the participants in the six examples of different situations or scenarios where the participants shall decide and share their reasoning behind whether they (as an Ordinary Person) need to seek support from a qualified person (or not)? Three examples where the Ordinary Person needs to seek support from a Qualified Person, and three examples where the Ordinary Person does not need to seek support from a Qualified Person. The examples should be of varying complexity and with fading support and guidance from the instructor Give constructive feedback to the participants’ answers in the exercise. Explain the reasons why the answers were correct, or incorrect, and show the real-word consequences of a correct, or incorrect, answer to each situation Please emphasise that the participants should always comply with company specific rules and procedures along with national and regional legislation. This means that the answers to whether support is needed could change depending on regional/company/WTG model rules



The participants shall:

Engage in answering the activity and share understandings about what they, as an Ordinary Person can, and cannot, do

Engage in the practice (previous point 2.2.7) and sharing their reasoning behind whether they need to seek the support from a Qualified Person (or not) in the six examples of different situations or scenarios

It is key that the participants share why (or why not) they need to seek support from a Qualified Person i.e., sharing their reasons for seeking the support from a Qualified Person (or not)



Learning objectives:

Global Wind Organisation ©2023 / www.globalwindsafety.org

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