
Safety training

Control of Hazardous Energies Standard / V3 2023-12-04

The participants shall:

Give a short introduction of themselves, including their job function, and share their expectations of the training and learning outcome expectation for the training


Learning objective:

7) The participants can recognise the scope and main objectives of the CoHE Electrical Safety Module (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Present the scope and main objectives of the CoHE Electrical Safety Module through a challenge, a story, a scenario or “your goal with this module, should you choose to accept is…”-message

A suggested learning activity could be to share stories, present scenarios or personal experiences that show the importance of being able to support and care for themselves and others while working with and in the vicinity of electricity in the wind industry and to perform assigned tasks safely and efficiently. (shows what is in it for the participants) Where possible avoid using "learning objectives – PowerPoint slide(s)”.. Instead use stories, examples or personal experiences that shows the importance of being able to support and care for oneself and others while: working with, and in the vicinity of, electricity in the wind industry; performing assigned tasks safely and efficiently; and the importance of the CoHE Electrical Safety Module



Please visit https://toolbox.energyinst.org/ for scenarios, incident lessons and safety information shared by global energy companies


Involve participants through questions about the participants’ understanding and individual experiences relevant to the CoHE Electrical Safety Module

The participants shall:

Engage in answering questions, and share experiences relevant to the CoHE Electrical Safety Module

Global Wind Organisation ©2023 / www.globalwindsafety.org

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