
Safety training

GWO Basic Safety Training / V18 2024-06-24

Verify that the participants can explain the principles of operation of the PPE and equipment to be used during practical training sessions

Ensure that any hazardous energy sources which may affect the participants during the practical training sessions are isolated and locked out and that the status of the isolations has been communicated to the participants

Lead a warm-up session of the major muscle groups of the body, ankles, wrists and back

Attach additional fall protection to each participant. It is the instructor’s responsibility to always attach additional fall protection to each participant who is working at height (including both casualty and rescuer). GWO recommends that a SRL is used as additional fall protection

The participants shall:

Take part in the warm-up session of the major muscle groups, ankles, wrists and back

Perform a pre-use inspection of their personal fall protection equipment

Perform a ‘buddy check’ of another participant’s personal fall protection equipment


60 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to perform safe and controlled work at height, according to the control measures.

After having successfully completed this lesson, the participants can:

64) Take responsibility for a safe and controlled working at hights (Ability, intermediate level)


Learning objective:

65) The participants can act independently while safely and correctly using the vertical fall arrest systems in the training facility (Skills, advanced level)

Global Wind Organisation ©2024/ www.globalwindsafety.org

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