
Safety training

GWO Basic Safety Training / V18 2024-06-24

22) The participants can describe advantages and limitations of personal LSA and PPE related to the industry (Knowledge, basic level)

23) The participants can recognise different types of suits: anti-exposure (transfer suit) and immersion suits (vessel evacuation suit) (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Present and explain:

a. advantages and limitations of the different personal LSA and PPE related to the industry including different types of PLB, life jackets, suits: anti-exposure (transfer suit), and immersion suit (vessel evacuation suit)

b. the correct use of the different personal LSA and PPE and importance of familiarisation with the equipment

c. correct pre-use check, maintenance, and storage of personal LSA and PPE

d. facilitate a group discussion on the participants’ understanding of LSA and PPE

The participants shall:

Engage in discussions and share experiences with LSA and PPE


Learning objective:

24) The participants can explain advantages and limitations of LSA related to the industry (Knowledge, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Facilitate a group discussion or Q/A activity on advantages and limitations of the different collective LSA, related to the industry, for example life rafts, lifeboats, and marine evacuation systems (MES)

The participants shall:

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