2023-12-04_CoHE R_V3

Safety training

Control of Hazardous Energies Refresher / V3 2023-12-04

Section 11.6. Lesson 2

• Title replaced to: “Hazardous Energy Assessment and Learning Activities”

Pressure Fluid Safety Refresher Module

Section 12.2. Duration of the Fluid Safety Refresher Module

Text updated to clarify instructions

Section 12.5. Pressure Fluid Safety Refresher Module timetable

Text updated to clarify instructions

Lesson 2 Hazardous Pressure Fluid Assessment and learning activities

2.1.3 b text updated

Amendment date


Approved by & date


Description of changes

• Section 6. Scope: Modification of old text: Global Wind Organisation is a non-profit body founded by the wind turbine manufacturers and owners. Our members strive for an injury free work environment in the wind turbine industry, setting common international standards for safety training and emergency procedures. Hazardous energies pose a high risk of injury to all workers working within the wind industry. One of the reasons for this is that hazardous energies are found in various forms within the wind turbine environment and within the environment of a wind farm. This CoHE Refresher Standard describes refresher training that complements company, turbine, regional and equipment specific CoHE trainings by providing a common basis for CoHE trainings that are recommended by the members of GWO but does not automatically qualify the participants. These nominations can only be granted according to company specific trainings, rules, and procedures along with national and regional legislation. Lastly, the members of GWO also strongly emphasise that company specific rules and procedures along with national and regional legislation shall always be looked up and followed when working in the wind industry. This is because CoHE rules, procedures and requirements can vary depending on: national and regional legislation; company approach and WTG model.

The standard comprises of three modules:


CoHE Basic Safety Refresher

Global Wind Organisation ©2023 / www.globalwindsafety.org

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