Express 2024 10 02



project among rural municipalities, including those in Prescott-Russell, to determine local interest in its food cycler system and encou- rage sales of the device. The pilot project involves a partnership between the company and participating municipalities to make food cyclers available for purchase at a reduced cost to interested households. The project includes a possible federal grant-in-aid to participating communities to help reduce the financial cost to the municipality for its part in the project. Results of a survey by township staff indicated about a third of residents who responded were interested in having a food cycler. Another 20 per cent said they might be interested in the purchase price was lower while 41 per cent said they were not interested. Township staff also reviewed results for other Prescott-Russell communities that BHSFFEUPUBLFQBSUJOUIFQSPKFDU5IF/BUJPO .VOJDJQBMJUZBOE&BTU)BXLFTCVSZBOE3VT - sell Townships all sold out their supply of GPPEDZDMFST)BXLFTCVSZTUJMMIBTUXPUIJSET of its units unsold while Casselman and Clarence-Rockland still have about half of their supply of the machines. Alfred-Plan- tagenet Township is not taking part in the project at present. Champlain Township council members were divided on whether the township should take part in the project. i8FDPVMECFDBUFSJOHUPBMJNJUFEOVNCFS of people,” said Councillor Paul Burrounghs. Some councillors expressed concerns

Le conseil municipal du canton de Champlain a demandé au personnel un autre rapport, avec des recommandations, sur la question de savoir si la municipalité devrait ou non participer à un projet proposé visant à promouvoir l’utilisation de recycleurs d’aliments à domicile. (FoodCycler) &/#3&'r#3*&'4 PROMESSE DE SERVICE CELLULAIRE Le conseil municipal du canton de Champlain se joint à son homologue de la ville de Tillsonburg pour demander au gouvernement fédéral d’améliorer le service de téléphonie cellulaire dans les régions rurales et éloignées du Canada pour qu’il soit équivalent à la couverture dont bénéficient les grandes villes. La résolution exige que le gouvernement fédéral garantisse le respect des recommandations d’un rapport d’Inno- vation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada concernant des « réseaux et systèmes robustes » qui com- prennent des programmes de secours en cas de défaillance et qui sont égale- ment conçus pour prévenir ou réduire les risques de sabotage susceptibles d’affecter les opérations des services d’urgence. – Gregg Chamberlain

Whether or not Champlain Township becomes a partner in promoting a home- composting invention will depend on a more detailed report from municipal staff. Township council members spent almost an hour during their September 26 session debating whether or not the municipality should become a partner in a Quebec-based company’s project to promote the use of its food cycler invention. “I’ve never had any issues with mine at all,” said Councillor Sarah Bigelow, who owns one of the small in-home composters made by Food Cycle Science Corporation. “It does significantly cut down on (organic food) waste.” &BSMJFS UIJT ZFBS UIF DPNQBOZ NBEF a presentation to township council on a project to promote use of its food cyclers in local households. The company’s device was a semi-finalist in food waste reduc- tion challenge competition organized by Impact Canada and Agriculture and Agri- Food Canada. The competition goal was development of alternatives to traditional backyard composting methods that would benefit urban households and also rural households that do not have either enough yard space to accommodate a traditional compost pile or enough home food waste to justify traditional composting. The company is now promoting a pilot

about the cost to the municipality if there are no or few sales and the township had to either pay a shipping cost to return any unsold units back to the company or find someplace to store them in case any resident wanted to buy them in the future. Councillor Peter Barton proposed tabling the matter to allow administration time for a more detailed report on possible options. Council agreed to postpone a final decision pending another report from staff.


Avis d’une demande complète et réunion publique concernant une proposition de X[EOwC:iO[YÂ:jÂfKMWGXGYiÂEGÂu[Y:MGÂ Z-09-2023

SOYEZ AVISÉ que le Conseil de la Corporation du Canton de Champlain a reçu une demande complète et tiendra une réunion publique le mardi 20 février, 2024 à 18h au bureau des Comtés unis de Prescott et OÖÌ̏®®įÌ¡Ò֐įyÖįüĀįÈ֏įºÖÈÒĊį~į5ĨAÈ¡œµy®Ċįyòµį‹ĨÒ֋¡ÈįÖµįÅȺź̡ҡºµį ‹į´º‹¡ò†yÒ¡ºµįyÖįO–œ®´µÒį‹įyœįµõįù÷÷÷Ğþüį‹ÖįyµÒºµį‹į Champlain en vertu de l’article 34 de la Loi sur l’aménagement du ҏÈÈ¡Òº¡ÈĊį5ĉOĉAĉįøĀĀ÷Ċį‹yµÌįÌyį›ºÈ´į´º‹¡òĉ LA PROPOSITION DE MODIFICATION AU RÈGLEMENT DE ZONAGE y››†Òį®yįÅȺÅÈ¡ÒįyᏆį®Ĩy‹ÈÌ̏įùùúùįȺÖҏįSҏįµµįÒį‹†È¡Òį†º´´į ›y¡ÌyµÒįÅyÈÒ¡į‹Öį®ºÒį‹į›È´įûøįÒįûùĊįÅ®yµįøüĊįyµÒºµį‹į5ºµœÖÖ¡®Ċį maintenant dans le Canton de Champlain avec le numéro de roll ÷ù÷Āĉ÷÷þĉ÷÷úĉ÷þÿ÷÷ĉįį5yį´º‹¡ò†yÒ¡ºµį‹įyœįÅȺź̐į†ºµÌ¡Ìҏį~į ´º‹¡òÈį®įyœį‹įOÖÈy®įyᏆįȐ̏Èáį‹įœÈyµÖ®yÒÌį´¡µÈyÖçįĘO]ĞyÈęį ~įOÖÈy®Ċįç†ÅÒ¡ºµįÌՆ¡y®įýûĊįyᏆįȐ̏Èáį‹įœÈyµÖ®yÒÌį´¡µÈyÖçįĘO]Ğ yÈĞýûęĉįįÒҏįç†ÅÒ¡ºµįÅȺÅȏįyÖį̡ҏįá¡Ìį~įŏȴÒÒȏį®Ĩ´Å¡®´µÒį ‹į †ºµÒµÖÈÌį ‹ĨçՋ¡Ò¡ºµį źÖÈį òµį ‹ĨµÒȏź̏į yœÈ¡†º®ĉį į 5Ĩy¡Èį ‹ĨµÒȏźÌyœįyÖÈyįÖµįÌÖŏÈò†¡į‹įúįù÷÷įÅ¡ùįÒį̏ÈyįµįȏÒÈy¡Òį‹į Āüį´–ÒȏÌį‹į®yį®¡œµį‹į®ºÒį¡µÒÈ¡Öȏį®yįÅ®ÖÌįÅȺ† įyį®ĨÌÒįĘȺÖҏįSҏį µµęįÒį‹įúúį´–ÒȏÌį‹į®yį®¡œµį‹į®ºÒį¡µÒÈ¡Öȏį®yįÅ®ÖÌįÅȺ† įyÖįÌ֋ĉ POUR PLUS D’INFORMATIONS įµºÒy´´µÒįÌÖÈį®į‹Èº¡Òį‹ĨyÅŏ®ĊįáÖ¡®®îį †ºµÒy†Òîį;yȆįO¡áÒĊįÖÈ yµ¡Ìҏį†ºµÌ¡®į‹ÖįyµÒºµį‹į y´Å®y¡µį pendant les heures régulières de bureau par courriel marc.rivet@ Carte 1: Terrains sujet à la demande źÖÈįÖµį† yµœ´µÒį‹įyœĉ DATÉ au Canton de Champlain †įùû e «ºÖÈį‹Öį´º¡Ìį‹į«yµá¡ÈĊįù÷ùû GfCfGEOœÂˆÂ[Ci[BfG €†ÂNÂ>€ÂN :gGfYGÂEGÂ4:YVWGGVÂOWW ª€œÂfjGÂWMOY« ª€€œÂfjGÂ:OY« :gGfYGÂEGº!fOMY:W Oµ†ºµÒȏʼnyᏆʼnSÅyȬè Oµ†ºµÒȏÌʼnyᏆʼn®Ìʼnź´Å¡ÈÌ h¡Ì¡ÒÌʼnœÖ¡‹Ìʼn‹ʼn®yʼn†y̏ȵ Òʼn‹Ìʼn†y´¡ºµÌ ]µʼn yÈ †ÖʼnĬʼn†y̏ȵʼn‹ hyµ¬®¬ʼn'¡®®ʼn֮̏´µÒĭ LȐ̏µÒyÒ¡ºµʼn‹ʼn®łÇ֡ŏ´µÒ (µ›ºÈ´yÒ¡ºµÌʼnÌÖÈʼn®yʼn̐†ÖȡҐ ÅÖ ®¡Ç֏ Òʼn ¡µʼnÅ®ÖÌʼnµ†ºÈʼnġ ¡ µ Ĝ † y ĩ

Marc Rivet Urbaniste conseil Canton de Champlain

948, ch. Pleasant Corner E. Vankleek Hill, ON, K0B 1R0

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