King's Business - 1917-03



The reports from this worker for the first four weeks are very satisfactory, show­ ing one hundred families visited, three Sun­ day Schools organized; one hundred and twenty persons dealt with regarding their soul’s salvation ; eighteen professed con­ versions; 770 tracts distributed; forty-two Gospels, twelve Testaments and several Colportage books given out. The pastors of Lake and Colusa counties are co-operating with us in placing a worker in the unreached and neglected communi­ ties in their respective counties, each county bearing half of the expense. ings of Scripture, she received Jesus Christ, not as a “spiritual idea,” but as the very God of Heaven, who was manifested in human form. To hear her testimony is to know that she has passed from death unto life. Many of our orthodox and reform Jews, dissatisfied with present-day Judaism, are drifting into Christian Sciencé, thinking to find gratification of their craving after spiritual things, but find themselves instead “out of the frying pan into the fire.” The failure of Judaism to satisfy the heart­ longing after God, and the demands of con­ science, in the face o f death, is'well illus­ trated by the following incident: A Hebrew, born of strictly orthodox parents, and well instructed in things per­ taining to the Jewish religion, became afflicted with that dread disease, tubercu­ losis. For years he was under the doctor’s care, but in spite of medical treatment he continued to grow worse. A changé of climate was suggested and he left his home for California. Here, instead of being benefited, his sickness was aggravated, and he was confronted with the prospect of death at no distant date. Judaism could not bring peace to the troubled heart; he knew he must meet God, and he did not

taken to solve the problem by the organ­ ization of a board consisting of one man from each evangelical denomination, the pastors acting as an advisory board, thereby making the work interdenomina­ tional. The worker goes from one com­ munity to another, visits every home, organ­ izes Sunday Schools wherever possible, and if he finds a family so situated that they are unable to attend any place of wor­ ship, ,and they will agree to teach their chil­ dren the -Sunday School lesson, they are supplied with literature of the denomination of their choice, by the pastor of that denomination. I F THE very noticeable signs of life in the Fig Tree are any indication and Scripture says they are—then one would be justified in believing that the coming of the Son of Man is'near, “even at the doors.” The Jews of today are more ready to listen to the claims of Jesus Christ than at any time since the destruction of Jerusalem. There is a stir among the “dry bones” and conversions, which in time past have been so rare, are of frequent occurrence. ;, Jn response to a request, a worker called on a woman, and in the conversation that followed learned that she was a Christian Scientist. The visitor desired to talk of God and the things of the Bible, so the lady brought out her Bible and with it a copy of “Science and Health.” The worker, anxious to avoid, as far as possible, any antagonism, made no attack on Christian Science, knowing that if she could' get the lady to accept the teaching of the Scripture along certain lines, she would have no further use for “Science and Health.” With that end in view, the teaching of the Bible concerning the Deity of Jesus Christ was studied, and to such good purpose that she became very much interested, so much so in fact that as time went on and she had more and more light thrown on the teach­

---- --------O ------------- WORK AMONG THE JEWS James A. Vans, Supt.

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