King's Business - 1917-03



Institutes of both Seattle and Los Angeles. A request has come to us to prepare a series of Bible-study suggestions for the year’s issues of the Christian Endeavor News, three such articles having been pub­ lished in the State Christian Endeavor paper of Washington, and already letters are being received asking for information as to how and what to study. We have distributed several thousand tracts through- the agency of men here who call and get them, passing them on to the jails, hospitals and on the street. Many thousand pieces of literature could be dis­ tributed, if they were available, through the avenues mentioned, with profit to the upbuilding of the cause of Christ. strengthen some of our spineless | theo­ logians.” W. W. Carter, Dublin, Ireland: “I’ve much pleasure in renewing my subscription for another twelve months. I send them to my friends, and they think a lot about them, for T he K ing ’ s B usiness is the acme of Biblical truth. To myself (though only a workingman, with ordinary intelli­ gence) I find great comfort in reading it. May God bless your noble effort in the far West.” This splendid endorsement comes from B. Irving Valentine, Press Superintendent of the California Christian Endeavor Union: “Couldn’t get along without T he K ing ’ s B usiness . I used to take several Sunday School helps, but have discarded all but your magazine and the Sunday School Times,' and feel better prepared after reading Dr. Torrey’s notes and references than when I had to ‘get around’ so much material.”

prayer and we hope financially as well. The last night a stereopticon lecture on the Institute'work was well attended and keen interest shown. T he K ing ’ s B usiness was generously supported, and we shall look for greater things from this section of the country. Kittitas, where we held a five days’ Conference last November, will try to include the Bible Institute in its annual budget for Missions. We are looking ahead with joy to the coming of Doctors Gray, Gaebelein and Evans in March, for a Bible Conference of several days’ duration. We hope to make this character of work very useful in get­ ting before the good people o f Seattle and other places the importance of the Bible Wm. H. Willcock, 34 King’s Road, Mum­ bles Glen, Wales: “Am delighted to be able to state how helpful and interesting the magazine proves to be, and trust that, in God’s grace, such a clear enunciation of the. fundamentals of our glorious faith may be continued.” Rev. A. Carnell, Port Byron, Hi.: “I cannot speak too highly of your magazine; it is such "a help to me in these days of apostacy; many of its truths I bring before my own people. May God bless your printed page, and your work of faith for Him, and may we be found among the faithful when He comes.” From A. Graffley Smith, Newhall Vicar­ age, Burton on Trent, England: “It is with great pleasure that I renew my sub­ scription for T he K ing ’ s B usiness . It is invaluable. The strong meat of God’s teaching which it delights to publish and uphold, will do much to stiffen and

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