King's Business - 1917-03

NATIONALLY FAMOUS —Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets —Herrick Refrigerators —Eclipse Gas Stoves M c K i n n e y - s m i t h c o . 737-39-41 South Hill Street - Los Angeles, California W R IT E FOR CATALOGUE SHOWN EXCLUSIVELY B Y l y o n -

MISSION Baking Powder “Goes a little farth er— Costs ab o u t th e same” Read th e Label: The pu re food law requires th a t th e labels upon each and every can of Baking Powder state fhe composition of th e contents. Most so-called Phosphate Baking Powders a re bu t A lum Phos­ phate— some avoid th e name A lum by using th e words Sulphate of A lum ina, A lum inum Sulphate, Sodium A lum inum Sulphate It all means simple A lum . ONE OF TH E MANY R EFER EN C ES To Whom it May Concern: It is a pleasure to.m e to testify to the excel- lence of Mission Baking Powder. I have used it for some months and find it the most satisfactory from all standpoints of the many which have been employed in my kitchen.—E. M. Smith, Editor The Clubwoman. ^ MISSION B aking P ow der is a p aid -u p policy in su rin g y o u r household of th e CERTA INTY of b e tte r breadstiiffs. A nd, rem em b er: It’s m ade in Los A ngeles. MISSION BAKING POWDER CO. LOS ANGELES REVIVAL CONFERENCE Jan. 31-Feb. 5, Moody Bible In stitu te 30th Re­ union. A ddresses will be reported in coming

Milo W. Barber A RELIABLE JEWELER WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY CLEANED AND REPAIRED Glasses Repaired and Lenses Duplicated 621V2 WEST SIXTH ST. Between Grand and Hope LOS ANGELES - CALIFORNIA P H O N E A -4 9 1 3

numbers of The Christian Workers Magazine. Some of the speakers will be Bishop L uther B. W ilson, M. E. Church; Dr. R. A. Torrey; Dr. C. I. Scofield; Dr. A. B. W inchester, Knox Presb. Church, Toronto; Paul Rader. Subscribe TODAY. D. L. Moody Anniversary number in February, 15. cents, 4 months 50c; 8 months $1.00; 1 year $1.50. TH E CHRISTIAN WORKERS MAGAZINE 158 In s titu te Place, Chicago T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s O N E D O L L A R A Y E A R EVERY S U N D A Y - S C H O O L TE AC H ER S H O U L D HAVE IT

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