IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis

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Papiasvili, E.D. and Mayers, L.A. (2013). Perceptions, Thoughts and Attitudes in the Middle Ages. In: Abnormal Psychology Across the Ages. Vol. 1: pp.15-31. Plante, T. (Ed.), Oxford: Praeger. Papiasvili, E.D. (2014). The Contemporary Relevance of Sándor Ferenczi’s Concept of Identification with the Aggressor to the Diagnosis and Analytic Treatment of Chronic PTSD. Psychoanal Inq 34: 122-134. Papiasvili, E.D. (2015). Translational Aspects of Interpretation Today: A Dynamic and Developmental View. Psychoanal Inq, 38: 88-101. Papiasvili, E.D. and Mayers, L.A. (2014). Specific Educational Practices for Girls and Boys in Relation to the Prevailing Perceptions, Thoughts, and Attitudes in the Middle Ages: A Psychoanalytic Hypothesis. Featured Lecture, 37 th annual convention of the International Psychohistory Association, New York, June 4-6, 2014. Papiasvili, E.D. and Mayers, L.A. (2016). Two Medieval Lives: Hildegard of Bingen and William Marshal. Clio’s Psyche , 22: 300-307. Peirce, C.S. (1894). “What is a sign?” in The Essential Peirce , vol. II (1893-1913), (Edited by the Peirce Edition Project) Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998, pp. 4-10. Pichon-Rivière, E. (1977). Obras Completas. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión. Pontalis, J.B. (2001). Ce temps qui ne passe pas . Gallimard: Paris. Pulver, S.E. (2003). On the astonishing clinical irrelevance of neuroscience. J Am Psychoanal Asso, 51:755-772. Racker, H. (1953). A Contribution to the Problem of Countertransference. Int J PsychoAanal, 34 :313-24. Racker, H. (1957). The meanings and uses of countertransference. Psychoanal Q 26:303- 357. Rangell, L. (1963a). The Scope of Intrapsychic Conflict—Microscopic and Macroscopic Considerations. Psychoanal Study Child 18:75-102. Rangell, L. (1963b). Structural Problems in Intrapsychic Conflict. Psychoanal Study Child , 18:103-138. Rangell, L. (1967). Psychoanalysis, Affects, and the ‘Human Core’—On theRelationship of Psychoanalysis to the Behavioral Sciences. Psychoanal Q , 36:172-202. Rangell, L. (1969a). The Intrapsychic Process and its Analysis—A Recent Line of Thought and its Current Implications. Int J Psycho-Anal , 50:65-77. Rangell, L. (1969b). Choice-Conflict and the Decision-Making Function of the Ego: A Psychoanalytic Contribution to Decision Theory . Int J Psychoanal, 50:599-602.


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