IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis

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Wright, J.S. and Panksepp, J. (2014). An evolutionary framework to understanding foraging, Wanting and Desire: The Neuropsychology of the SEEKING System. Neurospsychoanal 14:5- 39 Yamamoto, J., Suh, J., Takeuchi, D., Tonegawa, S. (2014). Successful execution of working memory linked to synchronized high-frequency gamma oscillations. Cell 157:845-857. Yovell, Y., Solms, M., Fotopoulou, A. (2015). The case for neuropsychoanalysis: Why a dialogue with neuroscience is necessary but not sufficient for psychoanalysis. Int J Psycho- Anal, 96 : 1515-1553. Zimerman, D. (2008). Vocabulário Contemporâneo de Psicanálise . Porto Alegre: Arte M.

Regional Editorial Boards of Contributors

Europe: Cono Aldo Barnà, MD; Judy Gammelgaard, Professor, Dr. Phil; Maria Ponsi, MD

Latin America: Dr. Jose Renato Avzaradel, Training Analyst

North America: Fred Busch, PhD; Allannah Furlong, PhD; Daniel Traub-Werner, MD; (Consultants). G. Abelin-Sas,MD; M. Anderson, MD; J.L. Bachant, PhD; F. Baudry, PhD; L. Brown, PhD; I. Cairo, MD; D. Carveth, PhD; E. Debbane, MD; J. Fernando, PhD; J.L. Fosshage, PhD; A. Harris, PhD; L. Kirshner, MD; H.B. Levine, MD; C. Lovett, PhD; A.A. Lynch, PhD; M. Meloche, MSW; R. Oelsner, PhD; E.D. Papiasvili, PhD; G.S. Reed, PhD; W. Reid, MD; A. Reiner, PhD; A.D. Richards, MD; A.K. Richards, CSW; D. Scarfone, MD; R. Sosnik, MD; A. Wilner, MD (Writers, Advisers)

Inter-Regional Co-Chair : Eva D. Papiasvili, PhD, ABPP

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