IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis

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Freud then generalised this model to memories as a whole and the returns of the repressed. The idea of return becomes a corollary of after-effect. In “The Wolf Man ” (1918c) the session is not only the promoter of deferred effects, it itself becomes, along with the transference, a deferred effect. II. E. The Sessions as Reminiscences and Deferred Effects But the analytic situation superimposes and intermingles the particular deferred effects of each protagonist; hence the creation of a neo-production, the analytic deferred effect , the ego/non-ego specific to the session, a neo-reality full of cross reminiscences. The analytic deferred effect is the lever of the therapeutic action. In each session it has its place within the sequences and the totality of the treatment. The precession (i.e “the act of going before”- English Collins Dictionary) of each analyst’s countertransference (Neyraut, 1997) is involved in a mixed variety of emotional, figurative and theoretical forms. In the session, regressive attraction (Freud, 1925) promotes the re-actualisation of the traumatic effect through remembering, repetition and construction. The results of the deferred effect are overdetermined recollections. The conception of generalized reminiscence (Freud, 1937) involves the notions of historic reality, of ontogenetic and phylogenetic traces and, through the function of Nachträglichkeit , of historical truth created by the psyche. II. F. The Last (Dual) Drive Theory and the Process of Deferred Action It was the elaboration in 1920 of a fundamental quality of all the drives, the tendency to return to an earlier state, and ultimately to the inorganic state, which was decisive in the disappearance of the use by Freud of the concept Nachträglichkeit (Chervet, 2009). This last theory of drives, the dual drive theory, involves the introduction of the death drive, i.e. the duality Eros and Thanatos. The importance given to the progressive direction by the word Nachträglichkeit does not sufficiently take into account the other aspect of the process, the major role of the regressive psychical work produced by the process of “deferred action” on the traumatic and regressive attraction, an essential aspect which is fulfilled on a daily basis by the dream function with regard to the many traumatic incidents of the day before the dream. While initially only linked to the genesis of hysterical symptoms, the process of “deferred action” gradually became the essence of the diphasic nature of human sexuality connecting the oedipal period to puberty, interrupted by the period of latency. It was then extended to ordinary mental functioning and to the oscillation between night and day, involving both the regressive and progressive paths. Thus its generalization was reinforced at a time when the term itself ceased to be used.


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