IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis

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Third Topography ’ (see above) which is a metapsychology of the links , where projections and splitting take place and where the question of the boundaries is highlighted. This line of thought and terminology is influential well beyond French analysis, although sometimes used slightly differently. In the recent work of Stefano Bolognini (2016), the ‘interpsychic’ is seen as a “functional pre-subjective level where two persons can exchange internal contents, through the utilization of ‘normal’ communicative projective identifications” (Bolognini 2016, p.110). As an extended psychic dimension, it reflects the reciprocal influence of two minds, which is experienced from inside, gaining a new, more specific effectiveness, first in containing and then in symbolizing (Bolognini 2004). III. Cdc. Intersubjectivity: Considering Two Psyches, Two Subjects and the Relational Dimension André Green (2002) gave a frame to the French conception of intersubjectivity, taking into account the couple constituted by the drive and the object. The object reveals the drive: “Construction of the object leads, with a retroactive effect, to the drive construction which constructs the object” (2002, p.54, translated). Intrapsychic work and intersubjective work seem to be two faces of the same phenomenon: on one side the drive is pushing toward representation, on the other, the object plays a transformational role in this work of representation. So intersubjectivity is viewed as the double encounter of two persons and of two psychic apparatuses including unconscious and agencies invested by the drives. René Roussillon (2008) proposed a definition of intersubjectivity, inspired by the work of D.W. Winnicott: “[…] the word of intersubjective permits us to think of the encounter of a subject, moved by drives and having an unconscious psychic life, with an object, who is also another subject, also moved by a drive life in part unconscious” [p.2, translated]. Going further than A. Green, R. Roussillon proposes the messenger function of the drive: If the drive is significant for the psychic apparatus of a subject, the drive is also through affects, talks, action and behavior, a presentation or a representative significantly referred to the object. And this means that the answer of the object to the drive message of the subject is fundamental in the psychoanalytic work. R. Roussillon proposes in “intersubjectivité et inter-intentionnalité” (2014) [intersubjectivity and inter intentionality] the idea that what is at the core of intersubjectivity is the exploration of the unconscious intentionality of each partner during the session.

III. D. Developments in Latin America

III. Da. Introduction In Latin America, the term intersubjectivity must be subject to specifications in order to indicate to which theoretical perspective it refers and the ways in which it is applied. This


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