IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis

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Bass, A. (2001). Mental Structure, Psychic Process, and Analytic Relations— How People Change in Analysis: Reply to Commentaries. Psychoanal. Dial ., 11:717-725. Bass, A. (2003). “E” Enactments in Psychoanalysis: Another Medium, Another Message. Psychoanal. Dial ., 13:657-675. Bass, A. (2007). When the Frame Doesn’t Fit the Picture. Psychoanal.Dial., 17: 1-27. Bass, A. (2009). An Independent Theory of Clinical Technique viewed through a Relational Lens : Psychoanalytic Dialogues , 19 (3): 237 – 245. Bass, A. (2015). The Dialogue of Unconsciouses, Mutual Analysis and the Uses of the Self in Contemporary Relational Analysis. Psychoanalytic Dialogues , 25:2–17. Bastianini, T. (2014). Home, is where we start from: Il laboratorio del soggetto. Riv.Psicoanal ., 60(3): 615-629. Beebe, B. & Lachmann F. (2002) Infant Research and Adult Treatment: Coconstructing Interactions . Hillsdale, N.J.: The Analytic Press. Belmont, S. (2016). Cantos do Divã. Temas de Psicanalise Contemporânea [Songs of the Couch: Topics in Contemporary Psychoanalysis]. Rio de Janeiro: Author’s edition. Benhaim, D. (2012). Intersubjetividad y vínculo [Intersubjectivity and links]. Retrieved from http://www.intersubjetividad.com.ar/website/articulo.asp?id=240&idd=6 Benjamin, J. (1988) The Bonds of Love: Psychoanalysis, Feminism, and the Problem of Domination . New York: Pantheon. Benjamin, J (1995), Like Objects, Love Subjects. New Haven, CN: Yale University Press. Benjamin, J. (2004) Beyond doer and done to: An intersubjective view of thirdness. Psychoanalytic Quarterly , 73: 5-46. Benjamin, J. (2013). Thinking Together, Differently: Thoughts on Bromberg and Intersubjectivity. Contemp. Psychoanal., 49(3):356-379. Benyakar, M. (2016). Lo disruptivo y lo traumático. Vivencias y experiencias [The Disruptive and the Traumatic: Lived Experiences and Experiences]. Buenos Aires: Ed. UNSaL. Beres D (1962). The unconscious fantasy. Psychoanal Q 31:309-328. Bleger, J. (1967). Psycho-Analysis of the Psycho-Analytic Frame. Int. J. Psycho-Anal ., 48:511- 519. Bion, W.R. (1959/1967). Attacks on Linking. In Bion: Second Thoughts . London: Karnac, 1967.


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