IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis

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environment and conflict vs. deficit, were newly re-examined, and have been only gradually integrated into the contemporary version of a complex ‘complemental series’ paradigm. The new paradigm is exemplified by converging trends within the recent post-Freudian, post- Kleinian, post-Bionian models as well as synthetic models attempting to integrate pre-oedipal and oedipal levels of organization pertaining to conflict and neurobiological development. Current greater appreciation of theoretical plurality and perplexity in regard to the conflict has been salutary for psychoanalytic thought and practice. Modern neuroscience confirms that most of our mental activity is unconscious and that mental life is rife with conflict. Despite dire predictions to the contrary, psychoanalysis continues to provide the deepest understanding of the human mind with its essential (explicitly or implicitly acknowledged, center-stage or background) conflicts.

See also: DRIVES


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