IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis

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*Those living in a bi-dimensional world will feel glued to the surface of the object, becoming thus the object and imitating his/her appearance and behaviour. *Another type is described as stifling or symbiotic in which there is a mutual submission between the two members of the relationship. *Yet another type takes the form of taking turns in the projection of psychotic anxieties. *When a more mature and integrated part of the personality is involved in a dual relationship, the emotional link between the couple will be more solid and positive, preserving the autonomy of each member. “Triangular link : the authors maintain discrimination between a triangular relationship based on a simultaneous relationship with two partial objects and the relationship involved in the Oedipal Conflict characterized by love, jealousy and rivalry with total objects, sexually differentiated and autonomous objects. Either the idealized or the persecutory object may is projected in the transference while the other is projected onto an external figure. At other times the two objects – persecutory and idealized- may be projected on different aspects of the analyst. (See also entries ENACTMENT, COUNTERTRANSFERENCE) VI. Ac. Madeleine and Willy Baranger: The Analytic Situation as a Dynamic Field Baranger and Baranger (1961-1962) consider the analytic situation as a bipersonal field. The analytic situation is a couple-field structured on the basis of an unconscious fantasy, which does not belong to the analysand alone but to both parties. In this sense the theory of the dynamic field may be considered as a contribution to the theory of object relations as expressed in the analytic situation. The task consists not only of understanding the basic fantasy of the analysand, but also of finding access to something that is constructed in a couple-relationship. This unconscious bipersonal fantasy, the object of the analyst’s interpretation, is a structure constituted by the interplay of the processes of projective and introjective identification, and of the counter-identification that act, with their limits, functions and characteristics in different ways in the analysand and in the analyst. The Barangers integrate here the theories of the Gestalt with Susan Isaacs´ concept of unconscious fantasy, Klein´s two modalities of identification (projective and introjective) and Grinberg´s theory of projective counteridentification. VI. Ad. Elizabeth Tabak de Bianchedi: From Objects to Links: Discovering Relatedness Tabak de Bianchedi (1995) stresses the significance of the link and of the linking or linkage functions in Bion´s work as expressing basically the many aspects of relatedness. Tabak Bianchedi points out that while the importance of objects (internal and external, part and whole, etc.) has been stressed by Fairbairn, Balint, Winicott, and Klein, it is Bion who pays special attention to the relationship, more than to the objects, by using the concept of the link.


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