IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis

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She thinks that his idea of the link or the linking function which connects two objects (two human minds) is one of Bion’s major contributions to the analytic way of thinking, understanding, and working. One of her contributions to the theory of object relations has been to clarify Bion´s proposal about what is it that is introjected by the baby in his/her early relationship with the mother. This clarification is based on her understanding of Bion´s reconsideration of Klein´s idea of the good part-object (the mother’s breast) as the nucleus of the baby’s Ego, which is introjected in the first months of life. Tabak Bianchedi clarifies how Bion changes the more concrete, morphological or anatomical concept of the good breast to a functional/physiological one. She specifies how the linking/understanding aspect of the mother’s mind (her containing mental function) will be introjected, and how the nucleus of the infant’s Ego will become the containing and understanding function of himself (alpha function, psycho-analytic function of the personality). In addition she emphasises and specifies the clinical relevance of the Bion’s model of the container-contained, with the emotions suffusing them and creating different types of relationships. Her rich description of the basic emotional links illustrates the relatedness as the basic feature of Bionian thought. In this context, Emotion itself has a linking function, and the links between (human) objects are ‘emotional experiences’. An emotional experience cannot be conceived in isolation from a relationship. V Ae. Janine Puget and Isidoro Berenstein: Object Relations vs lo vincular Object relations and links defined within a very specific frame which includes “lo vincular” have been an object of interesting discussions, controversies and confrontations among analysts. In some Latin American analytic cultures the notions of link and lo vincular have acquired a unique slant. Greenberg (2012) stresses such uniqueness, and states that lo vincular cannot be translated into English or French because it is specific to the Rio de la Plata. Analogically to narcissism vs object relatedness, object relations and lo vincular demand making a decision between one and the other as well as point to a need for clarification. According to Janine Puget (2017), the link, as lo vincular, defines a relationship between two or more subjects that leads to the emergence of practices specific to the current situation. It favors the effects of interactions in the space between two people, of immanently doing together with another or others. It is difficult or impossible to ‘inscribe’ the events taking place within the link in the logic governing the dynamic of identification processes. Therefore, besides conflicts pertaining to each individual, one must take into account the product of the overlap. In other words, one must make room for the alterity of each of the subjects inhabiting the relationship, an alterity that cannot be reduced to sameness. The singularity of each participant sets in motion a work that starts from difference. Following Derrida (1967), difference is understood as différance, that is, as deferred present. What emerges from différance cannot be symbolized; it exceeds representation and depends


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