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Guillermo Montero (2005) described in detail fifteen models of Self. According to this author, most detailed self models involve a psychic functioning in which the evolutionary processes are intimately connected. In this sense, several models of self are ‘psycho- evolutionary’ models. Montero proposes classifying these models into four groups: 1) A model of self as sub-system of “I ”. The line of theoretical development that starts with Hartmann, continues with Erikson, Lichtenstein, Mahler and Jacobson, until it becomes consolidated in Kernberg’s thought. 2) A model of self-person . A line of theoretical development involving a subdivision into two lines: The first is the line that starts from Fairbairn, and reaches Winnicott and Guntrip. The second is the synthesis of Kernberg, Kohut and Winnicott carried out by Masterson / Rinsley. These models rank the achievement of a personal integration that surpasses the structural organization as a model of health. 3) A model of self as a structure . This theoretical development includes Sullivan’s self- system model and Kohut’s self-model, including their later elaborations. These models stress the role of the regulation function of self-esteem and the control of anguish as a health model. 4) A self model centered on the subjective experience . The examples here are models of Stern and Tyson and all those that account for the development of the acquisition of a subjective feeling of self. These models would seem to hierarchize the maintenance of a continuous subjective experience and in constant development as a model of health. Since the mid 1990’s, perhaps as a reaction to the classical Kleinian setting and technique, experienced as rigid, growing interest in Donald Winnicott initiated the Encuentro Latinoamericano sobre el Pensamiento de Donald Winnicott (Latin American Meetings on Donald Winnicott´s thinking). Sonia Abadi (1994, 1996) wrote about transitional phenomena, emotional development and Self integration, Casas de Pereda (1999) studied the possible equivalent to the False Self in Freud and Klein writings. Brazilian authors Megaço Leal Silva (1999), Salésio da Silva (1994), A. Naffah Neto (2007) and others worked on different aspects of the False self. Some of the topics were: false self in politicians, psychosomatics, metapsychology, perverse organizations, the self and the image in the mirror, self and sexuality, violence and false self from an intersubjective perspective, the relationship with the environment, early development, and Self formation disturbances in borderline and schizoid patients. Ricardo Rodulfo (2009), studied the relationship between destructive and creative aspects in Winnicott´s thinking. VII. C. Contemporary Latin American Developments, Uses and Applications of the Self Concept The huge influence of Winnicott´s writings, some criticism of Lacan´s devaluation of the role of the Ego, and some interesting developments in the research area, accompanied by
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