IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis

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the clinical practice, is accompanied by theoretical elaboration, tending to discern the novelty of these conceptualizations with respect to the classic Freudian and Kleinian referential frames. In this stage, through André Green’s reinterpretation of the ideas of Winnicott, the study of the Self receives a new stimulus. In the 21 st century, renewed criticisms related to dogmatism in technique, and the need to tackle disorders in which isolation and apathy predominate, lead to an emphasis on relational aspects, which, in turn, accompanies the interest and development of interpersonal and relational psychoanalysis in the region. This provides yet a new stimulus for the further theoretical developments that prominently include the concept of Self. Strongly resonating with Latin American cultural identity, but applicable worldwide, Pichon Rivière’s psychoanalytic conceptualization of links and bridges between the internal and external worlds, in addition to his ‘ dialectic spiral’ linking contradictory movements of regression and progression, extended onto contradictory movements of any kind, is envisioned as also applicable to the wide context of the elaborations of the self-concepts in the different regions and among the diverse psychoanalytical schools. Across all psychoanalytic orientations and cultures, the multidimensional spectrum of theoretical conceptualizations of the self with implications for sensitively attuned contemporary clinical psychoanalytic practice with wide range of serious clinical conditions, provide for a ‘built-in’ guard against dogmatism and rigidity of old and new orthodoxies.



Abadi, S. (1994). De la transicionalidad al falso self: un modelo metapsicológico. En: 3º Encuentro Latinoamericano sobre el pensamiento de Winnicott / Encuentro Winnicottiano de Latinoamérica, 3. Gramado: Grupo de Estudos Psicanalíticos de Pelotas,. p. 335-344. Abadi, S. (1996). Desarrollo emocional, adquisición de las capacidades, integración del self. En: Transiciones: el modelo terapéutico de D. W. Winnicott / Sonia Abadi. Buenos Aires : Lumen. p. 65-118.


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