IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis

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theorization agglutinated diverse developments. The concept of experience displayed in an intersubjective field has enlarged and deepened the study of the diversity of obstacles and ‘bastions’, which appear in the analytical work. The appearance of sensations, perceptions, experiences ( Erlebnis ) and occurrences in the analyst, analyzed during the session, which accounted for what had not reached any inscription and survived in a constant present (‘actual’ experience), was considered under different approaches. Such situations prompted special consideration of the possibility of negative therapeutic reaction, as an exponent of the repetition compulsion, which stems from the death drive, mute in the foundation. For the different authors, in each analytical process a new story is signified and inscribed. Pillar of the theory and clinical practice, the Transference has remained over time one of the fundamental concepts of the psychoanalysis. The current developments clearly show that the Transference is situated at the crossroads of Intrapsychic and Interpsychic. The internal world of the analysand consists of psychic conflicts between internal Agencies (Conscious, Preconscious, Unconscious and Id, Ego and Superego) and conflicts issued of infantile intersubjective relationship with the Identification Imagoes. All these conflicts are re-enacted on the scene of transference in a relation, which involves two psyches. The founder of psychoanalysis speaks to the two scenes of the transferential movement at the crossroads of the inter-psychic and intra-psychic in 1937, when he maintains that the work of analysis consists of two quite different parts, that it takes place in two separate scenes and that it involves two people, each in charge of different task. In 2017, in the environment of growing nuance and complexity of contemporary psychoanalytic thought and accrued clinical experience, the statement of Transference as a movement, the movement inside the psyche, the movement between oneself and the other, and the movement between past and present holds, as it absorbs, and transcends the divides of pluralistic psychoanalytic universe.



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