IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis

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Regional Consultants and Contributors

Europe: Mme Marie-France Dispaux (Belgian Psychoanalytic Society) and Mme Laurence Kahn (French Psychoanalytic Association) Dr Christine Franckx, Dr Arlette Lecoq, Mme Diana Messina (Belgian Psychoanalytic Society) Prof Jacques André, Dr Patrick Merot, Dr Jean-Yves Tamet, Dr Philippe Valon (French Psychoanalytic Association)

North America: Richard Gottlieb, MD; Rosemary Balsam, M.D.; Arnold D. Goldberg, M.D.; Otto F. Kernberg, M.D.; Judith Mitrani, Ph.D.; Eva D. Papiasvili, PhD, ABPP; Dominique Scarfone, M.D.; Gary H. Schlesinger, Ph.D.; Jamieson Webster, Ph.D.

Latin America: Adriana Sorrentini, MD & Liliana Denicola, PhD APA (Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina)

Inter-Regional Coordinating Co-Chair: Arne Jemstedt, MD

The IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis is licensed under Creative Commons Licence CC-BY-NC-ND. Core rights remain with the authors (the IPA and IPA member contributors), however the material may be used by others, subject to non-commercial usage, full attribution to the IPA (including reference to this URL www.ipa.world/IPA/Encyclopedic_Dictionary) and verbatim reproduction, not in a derivative, edited or remixed form. Please click here for terms.


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