IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis

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The rest of the job is the working through of the analysand, which may lead (or not) to a transformation in O. 5) Transformations in O. This transformation is the movement of becoming oneself due to an incarnated K (wisdom); it happens only in the analysand’s internal time. There is no spatial distortion, no projection at all. There is only a kind of “fall” into one self (no knowing about, just becoming). In a highly theoretical excursion of his own, Arnaldo Chuster (Chuster 1999, 2002, 2014, 2018) views the experience of space-time envisaged by the theory of transformations as an original point of Bion’s work (1965*). In this context, time and space are parts of the function that create our existence as human beings. Therefore, they are innate everlasting parts of the pre-conception, as well as our conceptions and concepts that allow one to live with oneself and with oneself in groups. This definition creates a polemic, as one of the meanings expresses the presence of time in the Unconscious, as the future Unconscious time, which is meaningful when thinking of Bion’s complexity ideas in “A Memoir of the Future” (1975) or in what he calls an an ‘act of faith’ in “Attention and Interpretation” (1970). This hypothesis is workable only within the context of complexity. It is not workable (or sensible) in the context of deterministic or hermeneutic models. Each kind of transformation conveys a different emotional experience of time, as well as a different experience of images (space forms) present at the unconscious level. One may consider here the unconscious-to-unconscious communication described by Freud, but not exactly explained by him. In a subtle, complex and deep way, Bion is explaining it. For example, transformations in K produce an experience of time like the one founded in a simple logical referential time; an information that connects to a specific image, which is like the image of a point (.) at the more primitive level of the mind. In rigid motion transformations, the experience is a circular time; a meaning seems always to return and connects with the image of a circle in the more primitive level of the mind. Projective transformations are experiences where something seems to breakdown and breakup as in the movement of a sinusoidal line; it is an oscillatory time. Transformations in hallucinosis are experiences of a miscellaneous time: past, present and future seems to be the same, and the deep image is like a picture of dispersing lines, as in a scribble. Therefore, the feeling of confusion and tyranny can be the final product of it. In general, the main factor is the decipherment of the relation time-space in the images while they are organizing over language levels. The initial meaning of the image lies on the surface of the object, then in order to deepen it, one need to “scan” the image. This is the work of the analyst’s alpha function. The alpha- function establishes the link between the emitter and the receiver generating a space of connotative symbols: a space for dreaming and imagination.


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