IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis

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III. Cd. Avner Bergstein’s Synthesis In addition, creatively synthesizing British, Italian and Latin American contemporary thought Israeli analyst Avner Bergstein (2018), makes use of ‘object centered’ as well as ‘field-centered’ post-Bionian perspectives, as he further develops both within the context of complexity theory (2018). In this context, he draws on Chuster (2014) and Meltzer (1986), tracking Bion’s move from a causal/explanatory attitude to an attitude that seeks to understand and accept the uncertainty that is inherent in the infinite complexity of human development and personal relations. In his view, this is the move from a finite two- or three-dimensional space to an infinite, complex, multidimensional space that the personality in whom psychotic mechanisms are paramount often reduces to a one-dimensional point. It is then especially within the purview of unrepressed unconscious of the psychotic parts of personality, on the edge of breakdown and fragmentation, that the deep clinical application of Bion-informed complexity, uncertainty and the infinite, find the area of psychoanalytic effectiveness.


Due to its high abstraction, density, ambiguity and a complex interdisciplinary dialogue at its roots, Bion’s “Transformations” can be considered the utmost challenging part of his work, presenting itself as a permanent defy to the reader. In Latin America , such challenge was particularly undertaken in Brazil, where “Transformations” was intensively studied and much valued. The site of a scholarly research of Bion’s thought, prominently including “Transformations” (Sandler), Brazil is also the site of many original contributions to various aspects of “Transformations” specifically. One example of such a creative flourish is work of Arnaldo Chuster and others, who clarified and expanded the richness and depth of epistemological thinking of multiple dimensions of Bion’s Transformations as the theory of observation as well as its application in clinical work. Among prominent contemporary developments is Chuster’s work on ethical-esthetic principles of observations, under the aegis of an overriding principle of complexity, which includes specific principles of uncertainty, infinity, singularity, incompleteness, undecidable of origin, and negative capability. Other substantive contemporary development comes from the wok of Celia Fix Korbivcher, who added to Bion’s Transformations categories of unintegrated and autistic transformations. The concept of Autistic transformations, particularly, is a significant contemporary development, which represents an effort to improve the understanding of autistic cores in neurotic patients, expanding the transformative aspect of clinical situations when the atmosphere of analysis looks like an “absence of emotional life”, which causes in the mind of


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