Operations training
Slinger Signaller Standard / V4 2023-05-02
Amendment date
Approved by & date Description of changes
Throughout the standard: “Delegate” changed to “Participants”. (Plural - to avoid using his/hers in following text. Instead, we use "their") “Training staff” changed to “the instructor” “Attitude” changed to “Ability” Section 3. Change log Change log ver. 1.1 of October 2019 has been moved to Annex 5, Version history Section 5. General requirements 5.2. Aims and strategic objectives “Take responsibility” is added: Will enable the participant to take responsibility to support and care “Ability” added to: … required knowledge, skills, and ability to conduct
5.3 Guidance on delivering Section 1.4 changed to Section 9.4
7. Understanding GWO learning objectives (New Section)
Changes to the Slinger Signaller module January 2021: Throughout the module: All learning objectives moved to relevant learning elements and tagged with domain and level (e.g., Ability, intermediate level) Learning activities are adjusted with more focus on participants involving activities - and some responsibility is placed on the participant engagement
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