Operations training
Slinger Signaller Standard / V4 2023-05-02
Element 3.16 - Toolbox talk New Learning objective: The participant can take responsibility for ensuring the ongoing mitigation of work risks covered in the toolbox talk (Ability, basic level) New Learning objective: The participant can take responsibility for using correct hand signals and slinging techniques and to verify hand signals with crane operator during toolbox talk (Ability, basic level) Element 3.17 - Hand/Radio signals New learning objective: The participant can take responsibility to, on their own, direct the crane in different scenarios (Ability, intermediate level) INSTR: Describe what the hazards and risks with failing to use hand/radio signals correctly New learning objective: Demonstrate how to accurately direct the crane using all relevant hand-and radio signals available INSTR: Describe what the hazards and risks with failing to use hand/radio signals correctly New: Each participant must correctly demonstrate usage of hand/radio guided signals in three different lifting scenarios, e.g., open lift, restricted lift, blind lift, radio-guided lift
Lesson 4 Test and training review. New section
Annex 1 Communication: BS7121 alternative hand signals are added. Different hand signals are used in different regions and environments - and these are examples. For all lifts, communications must be clarified during toolbox talk in relation to the lift plan meet.
Annex 2 Lift plan an example of a simple lift operation is added to the Annex.
Annex 3 Equipment list EN 13852-3 David crane added
Amendment Date
Oct. 2020
Approved by & date
Version 1.1
Description of changes
GWO Standard updated to match the Corporate Visual identity of GWO (CVI)
- Each module now contains a cover page and the module name listed in the header as reference. - New ISO Code added to standard
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