Art Connection - Summer/Fall '24

Alpenglow––have long compelled him to share his experiences through his paintings. “I feel like stories of my travels around the West can be very interesting and worth documenting,” he said. “I enjoy reflecting on a moment in time. One that was particularly meaningful to me was my niece’s wedding at a ranch in Moran, Wyoming. The painting I ren- dered of the horses grazing in a mead- ow and the light cascading down on the Tetons reminded me of the magnif- icence of God’s creation.” It’s those stark contrasts of the dra- matic landscape––the serene image of a peaceful meadow or calm waters set against the backdrop of towering peaks or rocky cliffs that seem to captivate so many and impel landscape artists to capture the beauty. That’s exactly what has drawn oil painter Anton Nowels to the American West landscape. “From towering alpine peaks to rocky coastline, the drama of this magnifi -

cent landscape draws me in,”he said. “It evokes both awe and curiosity, which fuels a respectful-but-persistent will to explore its limitless compositions. "To me, the American West land- scape—like many landscapes—tells a tumultuous story of tragedy and beau-

From the untamed spirit of the wild bison, mustangs and eagles to the expansive landscapes to the historic architecture, and rich culture of the Native Americans and cowboys and ranchers, the West is rife with stories–– historical and those yet untold. “When I think of the American West, I think of dramatic landscapes. The interaction of space, color, light and atmosphere can be calm or chaotic.” -Anton nowels

ty, conflict and peace, and the human quest for place and prosper- ity through harsh extremes and sublime in-be- tweens,” he said. “The history of this place is complex and full of strug- gle, but, for many, it also represents attainable oppor- tunity — if you’re willing to explore.” And there is much to explore.

Clockwise from top left: "Ridge Guards", 24"x48", Trevor Swanson; "Canyon de Chelly", 48"x60", Anton Nowels; "Last One Standing", 33"x35", Jonathan Noon; "Fresh Start", 11"x13"x4.25", Curt Mattson; "Proud", 14"x11", Cathy Sheeter

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Issue 4 | Summer/Fall 2024

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