2023-05-02_BSTR P_V3

Safety training

Basic Safety Training Online Partial Refresher / V3 2023-05-02

Show and demonstrate how to do a head-to-toe examination and ask the participants questions about how to do a head-to-toe exam, what the focus of a head-to-toe examination is (identifying other injuries) and why a head-to-toe exam is performed

The participants shall:

Engage in answering the questions about what the focus of a head-to-toe examination is and why it is performed LESSON 3 - FIRST AID SCENARIOS

60 min.

The aim of this lesson is to build upon the participants prior experiences, knowledge and abilities to enable the participants to be able to assess, assist and provide the correct lifesaving basic first aid in an incident in the wind industry.

After having successfully completed this lesson, the participant can:

19) Solve the challenge of how to correctly manage first aid incidents with the correct approach and assessments made in a first aid incident in a WTG environment (Ability, basic level) 20) Explain how to correctly assess, assist and provide the necessary first aid in an incident in a WTG environment (Knowledge, intermediate level)

21) Explain how to correctly use first aid equipment (Knowledge, Intermediate level)

22) Discuss common and expected reactions to acting as a first aider, to an unusual situation and to a casualty (Knowledge, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Show examples of the first aid situations below and facilitate an involving learning activity such as case studies or written scenarios about how to provide the correct first aid in the first aid scenarios listed in the note below covering: a. Managing incidents (following the correct first aid structure for the incident and the condition of the casualty)

b. Providing necessary lifesaving first aid for a casualty that is unconscious and require CPR


Correct use of first aid equipment


Correct and safe use of an AED

Global Wind Organisation ©2023 / www.globalwindsafety.org

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