We’re on our way. Please join the dream!
The estimated cost of the new building is $63 million. The provincial government is providing $45 million. Our campaign goal is $18 million. And we’re well on our way! To date, more than $11.1 million has been given by our generous community. Thank you!
$11M OF $18M RAISED!
Can you help? There are many ways you can give to turn this dream into a reality. For all the details, please visit www.dundasmanordream.ca or contact the WDMH Foundation team at 613-774-2422 ext. 6162 or 6169.
Dundas Manor has been a gift to our community for over 45 years. By choosing to invest in local health GEVI]SYEVILIPTMRKXSIRWYVIXLEXXLIWXEǺERHZSPYRXIIVWEX)YRHEW2ERSVGERGEVIJSVSYVVIWMHIRXW and community for many years to come in a new home. Thank you so much for your support! Donor Name(s) {person(s) or organization who paid for the gift}: Name: _______________________________________________ Day Phone: ________________________
Mr. & Mrs.
Evening Phone: _____________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
City: ________________________
Proud to be a donor? Let others know!
Prov: _________ Postal Code:_____________ Email: ____________________________________________
#1 Give a Pledged Gift Over Time
Gift Amount Yes! I am proud to support the new Dundas Manor with a pledge of $ ___________________________ I would like to make an initial payment of $ ____________ , leaving a balance of $ ________________ . No, I would prefer not to give an initial payment at this time. Payment(s) will begin on _________________________ on a ________________________________ basis for a period of _______________________________ or until _____________________________________(date). (Monthly / Quarterly / Annual) (Date)
We want to celebrate, thank, and honour our donors’ incredible generosity by thanking you publicly. We realize that this type of recognition is a very personal choice. We also know it often inspires others to join you in giving. Here are some of the ways that donors can choose to be recognized for their WMKRMǻGERXKMJXW Your name or family name published on the Donor Wall inside the new Dundas Manor. Your name or family name on a beautifully designed metal laser-cut parking lot sign at the new home. Your name or family name engraved in a brick in a retaining wall on the beautiful grounds of the new home. You can name a public space in the new home. Your name listed in our Impact Report. To learn more about these opportunities, please visit www.dundasmanordream.ca.
#2 I Would Like to Support the New Dundas Manor Now with a Gift of $___________
Visa American Express Name on Card _________________________________ Credit Card No. _________________________________ Expiry Date (MM/YY) ______________________ ______________________ This is a corporate credit card. CVV# MasterCard
Method ofPayment By cheque or cash Please make payable toWDMH Foundation. By donation of shares or securities Please call Erin Kapcala at 613-774-2422 x 6769 to discuss.
Signature ___________________________________________________ Date __________________________ Regarding my annual or quarterly pledged gift, please send me an annual reminder or quarterly reminders Please deliver a campaign lawn sign to my address so that I can show my support and encourage others to give. I can pick up my own campaign lawn sign at the Community Care Building, 530 Fred St, Winchester on Friday, June 16 from 1:30 – 4:30 pm
WDMH Foundation 566 Louise Street Winchester, ON K0C 2K0 (613) 774-2422 x 6162
wdmhfoundation.ca foundation@wdmh.on.ca facebook.com/wdmhfoundation
Charitable Registration #: 89282 4368 RR0001
Thank you to everyone who has already made a donation to help build the new home. This has been a dream for the team at Dundas Manor for more than a decade and it is close to coming true. We can’t wait for moving day! We still need community support. Please join us by giving as generously as you can to help build the new Dundas Manor. Thank you!
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