
Technical training

Basic Technical Training / V8 2023-05-02

This is a fictive generic manual intended for training purposes and therefore may vary from the manual provided by a company. It is important that a technician always read manuals carefully prior to any bolt torquing task.


4. GWO Manual for Bolt Torquing (For Training Purposes Only)

Document No.: GWO 123456

Manual: Bolt Torquing Scenario

Prepared by: John Doe Reviewed By: Jane Doe Released by: GWO training simulation

Product: Generic Training Product Version Release Date: 01-01-2023

Version: 2.0

Exemption Certificate No. (ENC): 123456

1. Revision Sheet Version

ECN no.


Change description


Updated reference document list to include GWO PDR Updated to include reporting of defects




James Doe

2. Introduction


This work instruction provides the scenario template for the GWO bolt torquing scenario 1.

Training Level Required

Participants must have completed the GWO BTT-M in order to participate in this training scenario. The training provider must facilitate this scenario according the GWO Bolt Tightening Module ensuring that all learning objectives are met.


All participants must don correct PPE when participating in this scenario. All participants must follow the safety instructions given by the training provider. Extra care will be taken in relation to hand placement and reaction arms when torquing bolts. To reduce the risk of injury and damage to bolts and equipment it is recommended to use lower torque settings to complete practical torquing activities.

Global Wind Organisation / www.globalwindsafety.org

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