
Technical training

Basic Technical Training Standard / V9 2024-06-24

2) 2-stage: using hydraulic tensioning tools, tension all of the nuts to the % of the final tension value specified in table 2.1. Mark the nut and bolt according to the procedure described in section 8 of this manual. Always tension and mark before going to next bolt/nut!

2-stage tightening specifications


Stage 1

Stage 2

100 % of the given tension setting set by the scenario 100 % of the given tension setting set by the scenario

100 % of the given tension setting set by the scenario 100 % of the given tension setting set by the scenario



Table 2.1: 2-stage tightening specifications

The instructor shall explain the differences between and reasons for 1-stage and 2-stage tensioning and clarify that work instructions will always specify which type of tensioning is required.


Safety: Always use appropriate PPE and be aware of line of fire when tensioning

Global Wind Organisation / www.globalwindsafety.org

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