Safety training
Enhanced First Aid Standard / V5 2023-05-02
Learning objective:
67) The participants can distinguish between different kinds of burns and perform correct treatment (Skills, intermediate level)
The instructor shall:
Present severity of burns (depth)
Present types of burns, including electrical and chemical burns
Facilitate an exercise on the treatment of burns including cooling measures
Give constructive feedback to the participants treatment of burns
The participants shall:
Engage in the exercise and practise the treatment of a burn including cooling measures
Receive and reflect on the instructor´s feedback
Learning objectives:
68) The participants can perform appropriate first aid for bites and stings (Skills, intermediate level)
69) The participants can describe threats from infections of bite and stings (Knowledge, basic level)
70) The participants can apply advice of medical teleconsultation services (Skills, Intermediate level)
The instructor shall:
Explain and demonstrate appropriate first aid for bites and stings
Explain and demonstrate:
a. severe, possible secondary infected bite wounds, e.g. by dogs
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