
Safety training

Basic Safety Refresher Training / V13 2024-06-24

16) The participant can apply an AED safely and correctly following the AED safety procedures (Skills, intermediate level)

17) The participant can perform the correct first aid to an unresponsive, not breathing casualty (Skills, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Facilitate practice for the participants in how to use an AED correctly and safely

Facilitate practice for the participants in how to do provide first aid for an unresponsive and not breathing casualty

Give constructive feedback to the participants performance in providing first aid to an unresponsive casualty, not breathing casualty

The participants shall:

Engage in the practice of correctly and safely using an AED

Engage in the practice of how to provide first aid for an unresponsive and not breathing casualty


primary survey (ā€œCā€ ā€“ A - B - C)

b. performing CPR on adults both with and without the use of an AED


This element can be combined with the other elements of Lesson 2


Learning objective:

18) The participant can perform appropriate call for help in case of a first aid incident in the wind industry (Skills, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Facilitate practise for the participants in how to appropriately call for help in case of a first aid incident in the wind industry

Global Wind Organisation ©2024 / www.globalwindsafety.org

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