Safety training
Basic Safety Refresher Training / V13 2024-06-24
Demonstrate the correct way of using twin and single fall arrest lanyards, including double hook climbing on ladder and required and recommended distance between twin fall arrest lanyard anchor point attachment points climbing ladders
The participants shall:
Share experiences and understanding on how to use a double and twin fall arrest lanyard
Learning objective:
32) The participants can explain how to perform a pre-use inspection of rescue and evacuation kits (Knowledge, intermediate level)
The instructor shall:
Show examples of, and explain the content of, rescue and evacuation kits
Demonstrate how to perform a pre-use inspection of rescue and evacuation kits
The participants shall:
Share experiences and ask relevant questions when in doubt
Learning objective:
33) The participants can explain the principles and focal areas to plan and perform manual handling (Knowledge, intermediate level)
The instructor shall:
Lead a discussion about manual handling symptom awareness and typical reporting methods for injuries
Explain spinal anatomy and posture
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